Re: Gravity

Warren York ( )
Mon, 30 Aug 1999 22:40:25 -0500

Joe May wrote:
> To Warren york; Does an ion have an unbalanced nucleus(misaligned proton)??
> Respectfully , Joe
Hello Joe: To be honest to you Joe, I do not know at the present.
I have not ventured too far away from the electron model as of yet but
now it seems I must to gain some additional answers. First off you
use the word "unbalanced nucleus" (misaligned proton). This indicates
to me you understand when I used the word "misaligned" that I was not
talking about the polar axis. What is misaligned I feel is the intrinsic
spin of the particle. What it is misaligned with is not the magnetic
field but the TIME field. I do not expect many to understand this for I
have not released any information until now as to just what a TIME field
really is. Lets just say it is a field much like a magnetic field in
force vectors but nothing actual magnetic of its makeup. I have a actual
video of the forces in action on tape. The video comes from the
(My Word) Life Crystals (George's word)Genetics of George's work. Now
there is a magnetic field to the particle but that is not the question
here. I would want to look at the nucleus (not just the proton) between
the ferrous and nonferrous metals first then I want to look at bismuth.
I can give you a better answer once I have done this. My guess would be
NO but it is only a guess at this point. When you are talking about an
ion, you are talking about the outer orbit of the atom and when you are
talking about the proton you are talking about the inner orbit electrons
uniting with the proton to make neutrons. (Radioactive Transformation)
Although they are the same atom, they are at opposite ends of the atom.
The forces are not the same in strength. Gravity plays a big part in
both but there is a difference. I guess I could give you a quick idea
of what it is when I use the words TIME field. They are photonic in
nature. They are lines of force much like the magnetic field but much
different in nature. They are 90 degree components of each other. To
try and make it simple let me paint you a picture of a TIME field using
lines. Now this is all based on my theory so don't try and find it in
any books just yet.

Time Lines: Draw a virtual line in your mind. Let it represent this
ZPEL (zero point energy level) of ALL TIME. This virtual line has only
two flow vectors or what is called arrows of TIME. One FWD and one Past.
Anywhere on that line is ALL of TIME or what I call composite TIME.
Remember it is virtual. Now for each piece of matter (lets just use the
electron so we only talk about one particle at a time) draw two parallel
short equal lines. You can draw them at any angle to other lines but
the two will always be parallel. The two parallel lines represent the
time tunnels. There flow is the one on the left is FWD arrow and the one
on right is back arrow. The main virtual ZPEL line is both at once but
only one line since it is at ZPEL. Now the two parallel lines want to
each other but gravity keeps them apart (The Push part of gravity). This
is due to the composite intrinsic spin created forming matter.
(the electron). Now draw small arrows from the tip of the side closest
to the ZPEL line. That is the vector forces that will want to move the
parallel lines into the ZPEL TIME line. Now both the arrows, the one
at one end of the parallel line and the other from the other end of
that same line will have only one point on that composite ZPEL TIME
All other parallel lines will want to move also in the same direction to
that same point on the ZPEL TIME line. They can not return to ZPEL level
at that point (the point is the NOW in TIME point) so they will gather
together at that point. Now lets say you have many parallel lines all of
different masses. The length of each line is in direct length of the
parallel lines you draw for it. Again all the other parallel lines will
migrate in the direction of the longest or biggest mass lines wanting
to join and become one again. (hyperspace) That is the force of gravity.
This is the definition I put in my book on the theory for the definition
of Gravity. I hope you can see what I just talked about comes in to
When you play with gravity you are also playing with time. Here is the
Gravity: a. Gravity is the displacement of Space/Time due to the
formation or placement of matter within that fabric of Space/Time
itself. b. Its force is the displacement felt by the nucleus of atoms
caught within the photonic TIME flow field of Space/TIME wanting to
return to its ZPEL (Zero Point Energy Level) or its lowest point in the
Continuum (Hyperspace State). c. It is an elasticity property of
Space/Time (The Continuum). d. Its substance is photonic in nature
and is produced by the paired photons fields flow of TIME now known as
part of matter. e. The shape of the photonic TIME flow field is that of
a quadrupole pattern. (See Figure 1) f. Gravity is both a push and a
pull force process of which the pull is the dominate force since the
arrow of TIME is one of a positive direction from our physical worlds
point of view.
I am sorry I could not give you a better answer to your question at this
time but I will let you know when I find out for sure. Warren