RE: Magnetic motors

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Mon, 30 Aug 1999 14:31:00 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Nick et al!

Looks like the comment was from Eujein, not John.

Differing viewpoints I guess..<g> particular ones
are open sharing as long as;

1) it ain't proprietary as under commercial

2) it ain't secret as revealed in trust

3) it ain't weapons of mass destruction

but that's just my personal take, everyone has their
own views and that's great, so I always wonder why
anyone is here if they aren't here to share or

A working self-running motor of any kind is just too
important to hide under a bushel.

--- Nick Hall <> wrote:
> At 12:22 30/08/99 -0500, John Berry wrote:
> >I'm not saying FE device doesn't work.
> >You need a drastic new concept to make it work. But
> once you have that
> >secret, do not advertise you have it.
> Why not???
> I thought that Keely Net was for just such an
> interchange of ideas etc...
> Nick


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