Ra: Magnetic Gate

Sun, 29 Aug 1999 23:42:17 +0200

>From: "Paul Baucom" <paul_baucom@yahoo.com>
>As I understand it, you insert a cylindrical
magnet (probe) into a circular
>array of magnets (gate). The repulsive forces of
the like-poles push the
>probe out of the gate. The exiting force is 2.5
times greater than the
>entering force....

Hi Paul, and all others,

i have built such a device (rotating magnetic
hole). The Problem with that device is, that the
output force is 2.5 times higher than input force,
but the input way is even 2.5 times longer. So if
we theoretically average the force (it
increases/decreases potentially) we have e.g. 10cm
* 5N input force and 4cm x 12.5N output force. My
horizontally rotating magnetic hole had very low
losses and showed no O/U.

I believed the theory and lost about $120, because
of my perfect Aluminium design, you may be able to
built a device for $30 (wood).

Please do not build your own, my is availabe for
$50 + Ship. (I dont need it anymore)

Hope, i prevented wasting money,

so long
Olaf Berens