RE: Bedini's Magnetic Gate

Carrigan, Ken ( (no email) )
Fri, 27 Aug 1999 07:53:51 -0400

Paul, et all,

Exactly as you have stated. Jean's test does NOT reflect that
overunity can thus be achieved. His results correctly interpreted
only tells us that it required more (weight) force to overcome
the static field in one direction than the other which would be
expected from N&S magnets. What should be accomplished is to
look at the WHOLE picture of energy into and exiting the device.
Place this device in an "energy" bubble and lets see what happens.
looking at the delta energy if any remains. So input energy
would be in the form of potential energy (mg(h1)) and when at the
exit, we should measure the velocity at a distance (say 1 meter
beyond). Then to balance this equation, energy wise, we would
have mg(h1) + A = mg(h2) + .5mV^2. Knowing m, g, h1, h2 and
V we can see if A is zero, positive or negative. MY GUESS???
Is that A will be ZERO! Now if A is a positive number, we just
might have some overunity possible, and if A is negative, then
there is some frictional energy loss.

This is the proper way to account for energy in this system.
OH, one more thing.. should be done in a vacuum as there is
some frictional air loss... which would showup maybe as a
negative A.

v/r Ken Carrigan

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Baucom []
Sent: Friday, August 27, 1999 12:05 AM
To: KeelyNet
Subject: Bedini's Magnetic Gate

I was reading through Jean-Louis Naudin's pages on the Bedini Magnetic Gate:
