Re: Space Quantum Theory (dual force gravity vs aether/zpe)

Warren York ( )
Sun, 22 Aug 1999 21:27:44 -0500

"Jerry W. Decker" wrote:
> Hi Warren et al!
> What was your posting about with regard to the SQT thread? Did I miss
> something that referred to it or compared with it?
Warren writes:
Only wanted to point out that the last few postings on Space and Quantum
all had something to do with photons in them. This is what our theory
is all about. I thought you might pick up on that. Sorry I did not
make it clear.
Jerry wrote:
> Feeling threatened or something?..<g>....just kidding, but I didn't see
> anything relating to the SQT theory so didn't see the relevance of your
> post.
Warren writes:
No, but you have pointed out that the post are on record and I did not
remember if I had posted our abstract here yet. Just to put it on record
as I indicated plus to let you know everything went ok and I am back at
the research again.
Jerry wrote:
> The guy with the SQT just has an interesting page with an approach I'd
> not seen heretofore...I'll have to study it a bit more, but I still
> prefer the concept of gravity as being due to aether/zpe influx as a
> PUSH, rather than a completely separate phenomenon of a PULL...though IF
> the universe is binary with dual actions, his theory might offer a new
> approach.
Warren writes:
I have found it out to be both a PUSH and a PULL.
Jerry writes:
> Walter Wright shows it OVER and OVER with his repelling magnets to
> clearly demonstrate many effects identical to gravity, yet still there
> is not one single demonstration to prove that gravity is a
> PULL....simplistic for sure, but I think the universe works that way.
Warren writes:
True, but he does not address some phenomena that also shows a PULL to
his all PUSH theory. He must address all cases and he has not addressed
this yet. He just skips over it as it were not there and one can not
do that. If you want to see what a Gravity Field looks like see
Scientific American, August 1996, page 50 or see our 1994 paper on TIME
where we show the YGEM, Magnetic Field, Gravity Field all from the
theory. How would you draw a gravity field if you had too? We all know
what magnetic lines of flux are around a magnet but how many know
Gravity lines of flux around matter? The photo is taken from one of our
early test done at RCA labs in Switzerland by a friend for me.
Jerry writes:
> The bottomline remains...its ALL BS without a working device to PROVE
> the theory....I've not seen this particular version of gravity being due
> to moving in one direction and aether/zpe moving in another.
> On a side note, just got a couple of fresh, original images from Abydos
> which I plan to clean up in various versions to try to bring out more
> details, but they only show shapes cut in stone, not how the device
> would work....
> Now take Dendera....BIG apparently HIGH VOLTAGE we're
> talking something to build on...high voltage pulses that POSSIBLY
> entrain aether/zpe to charge up a big rock and cause it to REPEL
> aether/zpe, thus reducing or cancelling 'gravity/weight' so they could
> be moved easily.
> The Woodward post actually has the experiment using capacitors...I know
> 4 milligrams isn't much but there is apparently an effect.
> And to my knowledge, no one has come forward publicly to claim they have
> built the electric rocket, it is simple but tedious according to the
> plans.
> There is another correlation to that in the book, 'Vindicator Scrolls'
> by Stan Deyo, where he describes a high voltage arrangement which is
> claimed to redirect aether into an upward flow.
> Joe Tyls and his bunch up in Canada claim to have built it and it worked
> as described...I'll see about getting that online as a URL since it
> CLAIMS to actually redirect aether as does the electric rocket.
> I surely would photograph and video the construction and the actual
> tests so others would learn from it and see the reality as far as you
> can trust video images these days..<g>....