Mach's Principle for Weight Reduction

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 22 Aug 1999 18:24:42 -0500

Hi Folks!

Along the lines of Naudins' Poynting vector and Don Kellys' Gravity Drop
tests that indicate an electric force can reduce the weight of mass to
some degree, check out this paper and experiments by physicist James F.

Mach's Principle explains inertia -- the tendency of an object to resist
acceleration -- by the sum of the gravitational attractions of all
objects in the universe.

Woodward, an expert on Mach's Principle, found a "loop hole" (really, a
transient term that most neglect) which predicts that a time-varying
energy density results in a sizeable mass fluctuation, and has
demonstrated this in more than one well documented experiments.

He predicts that this is only possible if Mach's Principle is valid,
because a certain constant in his equations approaches c2, which cancels
out the c2 in Einstein's E = M c2;

if Mach's Principle is invalid, then rapidly changing energy densities
(of a magnitude possible in a modern lab) would not result in large mass
fluctuations because the c2 term would be very large.

His experiments used a small array of capacitors whose energy density
was varied by an applied 11 kHz signal.

The beauty of his experiment was the following insight -- if you vibrate
these capacitors up and down using a piezoelectric crystal, at just the
right frequency so that they are going up when their mass is the least
and going down when their mass is the most, then a small, constant, mass
change is possible.

The largest mass change he measured was 4.4 milligrams.
Electric rocket, gravity capacitor plans;
Don Kelly's letter about his gravity drop experiments;

Details on Don's tests;
Science and the gravity drop with the magic drop speed;
and there was a guy several years ago, something like Zeno? who did
experiments in a rock quarry, dropping various materials to determine
speed and angle. He was finding varying speeds with different materials
also AND a tilt from the drop position indicating the earth had a center
of gravity that wasn't where it was supposed to be, but that's another

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187