Re: Amin Cycle/Entropy Sysytems Inc

Bob Paddock ( )
Sat, 21 Aug 1999 08:41:55 -0400

>I have just visited the web site you posted for Entropy Systems Inc, and =
>although the machine sounds great for the enviroment the $75,000 price =
>tag seems a little bit high for your average joe.

I agree with that, don't have any idea why it is so high.

>The thing which puzzles me the most unless I have misunderstood is the =
>output, am I right in thinking that the unit isn't O/U and therefore at =
>peak performance converts 75 watts of heat energy into output energy =

I know nothing about the engine application at this point, I
need to dig out Amins book and reread it. Hope to have a
visit with him, but it probably won't be until the middle of
next month to find out answers to such questions.

I do know that Mr. Amin is meticulous in his work and has
never been enclined to say much with out a working prototype
in hand.

>(Max 75 watts), I am not sure but I think I could rig my house out with =
>solar power for that and get more output (granted taking up more space).

You could use photo-vac shingles on your roof, if you need a
new roof some time, and take up no space. See (Doesn't look right, and can't find in
address book right now).

>surely it would be better to sell more units at a lower cost to achieve =

I agree.

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