Re: High Power Cathode Tubes

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Thu, 19 Aug 1999 08:04:52 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Folks!

With regard to the acceleration of electrons using
high voltage, here is an interesting experiment;


X rays, driven by a potential of a million volts, are
produced by the rather complicated apparatus depicted
this week on the cover. The famous Norman Bridge
Laboratory of the California Institute of Technology
is the scene of these labors. Dr. C.C. Lauritsen,
shown at the switchboard, has performed this work, in
collaboration with his colleague, Dr. R.D. Bennett.

The tube consists of the glass cylinders in the
center. A vacuum of about a billionth of an atmosphere
is obtained inside. A water-cooled anode, raised to a
potential of a million volts by the laboratory’s
high-tension transformers, pulls electrons bodily out
of the nearby cathode.

With this great force, the electrons attain a speed
nearly as great as that of light. Striking the anode
at this terrific speed, X rays are formed, which
closely resemble the gamma rays of radium.


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