Re: article - New Propulsion System Would Be Truly Far Out

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Wed, 18 Aug 1999 06:50:51 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Steve et al!

Thanks for sharing the URL about the EM space drive!
I don't understand how they can create sustained
current to run their multi-kilowatt field emitters.

Also I don't understand how they can produce a 10-12
mile field around the drive. With CB radio, some use
linear or bilinear amps that run off 200-400 Watts and
can broadcast for miles and often swamp electronic
devices within a mile or more of the transmitter, so
possibly with KILOwatts, it might work.

I also like the idea of cutting natural flows to
provide thrust. Interference by mechanical or
energetic means (as in phase conjugation) would do it.

Reminds me of the propulsion system in the book
'Etidorpha' where the travellers step into a boat on a
glassy lake, no thing you know they are
far out on the lake, the student doesn't even believe
they are moving until he throws threads from his
jacket into the water and it instantly
bow wave, no wind, no ripples. His guide said if you
understand how to do it, you can create a barrier to
the flow of aether, causing it to push you in any
direction simply by blocking the flows.

Of course some these days (Zielinski) say you create a
well or 'hole' in the aether, provide for a heavy mass
on your 'ship' and the ship will fall into the hole,
no matter whether it is up, down, sideways, a goat following a carrot suspended
from a string and held in front of him...if he is
attached to a wagon, he'll pull it in whatever
direction necessary as he goes after the carrot.

Etidorpha (Aphrodite backwards..<g>.) is a very
interesting read and is available from Health Research

Quotes from the M2P2 article;

'Their system would use a plasma chamber about the
size of a large pickle jar, perhaps 10 inches by 10
inches, attached to a spacecraft. Solar cells and
solenoid coils would power the creation of a dense
magnetized plasma, or ionized gas, that would inflate
an electromagnetic field 10 to 12 miles in radius
around the spacecraft. The field would interact with
and be dragged by the solar wind.

Creating the field would be akin to raising a giant
sail and harnessing the solar wind, which moves at
780,000 to 1.8 million miles an hour -- or "here to
Washington, D.C., in 10 seconds," Winglee said. There
is enough power in the solar wind to move a 300-pound
spacecraft at speeds up to 180,000 miles per hour or
4.3 million miles a day. By contrast, the space
shuttle travels at about 18,000 miles per hour or
430,000 miles a day.

Just a few kilowatts of power would support the
magnetic field and only about 100 pounds of additional
propellant would be required. Adding the device to a
spacecraft might cost $1 million...'

--- Steve <> wrote:
> They didn't say it's actually impossible, just
> impossibe according to our (conventional)
> understanding of the laws of physics..
> Well, it's a start!
> ttyl
> -Steve


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