Re: Water powered car via electrolysis?

Paul Baucom ( (no email) )
Tue, 17 Aug 1999 02:59:06 -0500

Hi All.

>Looks like your post regarding a water powered car has stirred up
>quite a lot of healthy interest on the list. I'm replying somewhat late
>and most of what I'm about to type has be covered off by other
>list members. However I'd like to add my two cents worth...

Heh. Yep. The discussion got a bit over my head, so I just started
watching from a distance. :-)

>[big snip]
>If something along these lines can be made to work it won't be with
>electrolysis principles. I've been playing with oscillating the electrical
>current, magnetic
>field and/or voltage pulse applied to the cell. Something akin to Stanley

I've always felt that any idea that goes against conventional science had
better not use conventional science principles. Like you said, current
physics doesn't allow for an electrolysis/water powered car. Something new
will have to be thought of (new methods of electrolysis, as you and some
others suggested). Someone mentioned using high frequency sound for
electrolysis. That's going in the right direction. Maybe we all need to
look at the problem from a whole different angle (since the current angle
isn't really getting us anywhere). But should we just jump to the other
angle? Or circle slowly around the problem... attempting to look at it from
all angles and distances.

I'm really not capable of that level of thinking (which is why I haven't
changed the world :-). But some are (as history shows us). I KNOW there
are people participating on this list with minds capable of changing the
world. Maybe the reason they haven't yet is because they're so used to
conventional thinking and conventional ways (and who can blame them? That's
how we've been taught). I'd hate to think that the same awesomeness that
has gotten us where we are today is exactly what stifles our further growth.

We should all look deeply into ourselves and try to find that part of our
mind capable of changing the world.


PS: Sorry for the rant post.. I just started thinking out loud. It's
probably off topic... But is it really _that_ far off topic? Maybe it's
dead-on topic, and our conventional ways tell us it's off topic.