Unification of Reality

Tue, 17 Aug 1999 02:54:09 EDT

Big bang is basic to the question --Where did it come from?-- If you have
nothing then how can you get something. One very important thing is to
remember that nothing does not exist. There is always something whether it be
a force or a mass. It all equals into energy. The question is now --Where
did energy come from?-- quite simple... energy came from mass. But now you
ask --Where did mass come from?-- Mass came from energy. Now hysterically
you scream --Quit talking in a circle!-- But that's how it is... maybe you
need to refrain your question. --Where did mass and energy come from?-- Each
other. --Now quit that! Your talking in circles again!-- That's right...
the universe is a circle. It keeps repeating just as pie does. It never
stops no matter how much you try to get it to. --Remember in physics nothing
lasts forever; nothings perpetual.-- Quite true... for speed, time,
distance, energy, and mass goes on forever; they die down or decay, slow down
or dissipates into something. But you for got physics way of getting around
it... energy can't be destroyed and neither can mass so neither can speed,
distance, and time (All the same thing). Energy can just simply turn into
mass or into kinetic energy mass can turn into energy. Speed and distance
slows down which turns to mass which creates gravity which is time. --How
can you call Time is gravity?-- simply by how gravity is induced by which is
mass. Mass is gravity. --Here we go again CIRCLES! Okay, then how is
gravity, mass?-- It has to do with the speed of which energy has slowed
down to. Energy is so slow that it attracts other slow energy (mass) to come
to so it may release its energy which is slowed so much that its speed is at
negative forcing other things to go into it instead of its' self moving.
This takes a while for consciousness to sense which is the illusion of time.
--Wait, time is only an illusion?-- Only for us because we have what I call
biological time which means we have a point that our consciousness ends
called death, we die. The biological time has nothing to do with time
passing away but how our body parts ware after doing something over and over
which deteriorates the life supporting parts of a biological life form which
is sensed by our consciousness. Remember biological time is equal to our
consciousness which is equal to illusion --You don't believe an afterlife--
yes I do but its because of the fact consciousness is equal to infinity... We
can't die at least consciously. --You keep talking in a BIG CIRCLE!--
Jeremy Lynn Mumme