The Poynting Flow Thruster experiment...
Mon, 16 Aug 1999 09:18:35 EDT

Dear All,

Now I come back after some weeks of vacation...I am glad to present you a new
interesting experiment in the advanced propulsion field.

This project is the logical continuation of the ARDA Project based on the
Biefeld-Brown effect. The purpose of this experiment is to demonstrate that
it is possible to generate an unidirectional thrust by using an asymmetrical
flow of the Poynting energy in a capacitor.

During a charging process of a flat capacitor, the Poynting vector ( S=ExH )
comes from outside the capacitor towards the wire connections, parallel to
the surface of the armatures inside the dielectric medium. There is an energy
flow directly proportional to ExB. This energy is not provided by the wires
but comes from the surrounding space around the capacitor. ( ref: "The
Feynman Lectures on Physics : Electromagnetism vol2, Chap: 27-5, fig 27-3" by
Addison-Wesley Publishing company. )

The main idea is to check if an asymmetrical energy flow during the charging
process of a flat capacitor is able to generate a thrust.

For more informations and tests results with pictures, diagrams and videos
see at:

Best Regards,

Jean-Louis Naudin
Overunity Web site: