Re: Tuning the mind
Mon, 16 Aug 1999 02:31:04 EDT

In a message dated 8/15/99 10:30:48 PM Mountain Daylight Time, writes:

<< How does one 'tune' their mind to the frequencies of the earth (or other

Practice? With people, those claiming the ability say they tried to do that
repeatedly and got good at the skill. With the earth, Indians would eat a
little bit of various things representing all the elements and rub non
edibles on the skin, attempting to tune into the land.

How do we 'tune' other things? Can analogies be drawn from which to
extrapolate parallels? What is the science behind tuning other broadcasts?

Touching an object of theirs, one they'd frequently held, where their
frequency was imbedded, is what the movie mental detectives do. That's
worked for me with people I was emotionally close to, with clothes and

There is also the concept that you could simply:

1. Decide you were going to talk to someone that way.
2. Decide you really could actually reach them mentally.
3. Go ahead and telepathically communicate something.
4. Imagine they recieved your message.
5. Keep doing that until you get an answer.
6. Hope you dialed the right number.
(what if someone else replies? party lines?)

>>Does Anyone subscribe to the theory that each person operates on their own
frequencies and that telepathy is just one person's ability to "change the
channel" to hone in on someone else's thoughts?

We all have different finger prints, voice prints, brain wave patterns...lip
prints are unique and as an Indonesian prince told me, "no two twins have the
same number of hairs." Physically, we are in that sense, all one of a kind.
Stands to reason we could have separate and special mental receiving
frequencies. Obviously, we are all very much alike with arms and legs,
mouths and ears, brains and hearts...but your question asks are we more than
meets the eye, and if so, should we treat each other in such a fashion by
reaching with our minds. (It's hard to beat email tho.)

(This also brings up a Constitutional question of the right to privacy...if
telepathy includes the ability to read another's mind.)


>> If one person can receive thoughts, then is it not possible to transmit
them? If that can be, then is it possible that telekinesis does actually
exists? And to what extent? >>

People married for decades look at one another and know what each is
thinking. Haven't you seen them simultaneously say the same thing in a
response, or carry on conversations without needing to vocalize whole
sentences? Does that qualify?

I've called friends who said they'd just been thinking about me, and vice
versa. I vote yes, the possibility exists.

If such is a universal talent to be exercised, what beginning proofs would
give the practice credence? Faith healers talk to parts of the body, which
may be considered part of the mind, if the mind and brain aren't totally
synonymous. The body could certainly potentially be considered part of the
receiving set. Is telepathy 'out of this world', or in fact, just an
uncharted frequency? Good question.

Try holding hands with a loved one and thinking something at them. See if
they reply. Do this for us: get a mental idea of something and 'think at us'
for a week. Then publish the idea, thought or picture you were trying to get
across and see if any of us 'heard' you. I encourage you to do this

Presupposing people in general have this kind of natural gift automatically
increases the respect bestowed upon them. Therefore, no attempt can fail.
After all, the message might just be on their hard drive or non-voice mail,
waiting to be downloaded into everyday consciousness.

Thank you for starting an interesting topic.
