Re: water powered car via electrolysis?

Steve ( (no email) )
Sun, 15 Aug 1999 16:50:33 -0400

> Car water injectors have been available for decades but I have never
> seen a test that shows that they accomplish anything, As far as I know
> only aircraft JET Engines used to use water injection and usually only
> when taking off from an airport that was at a high (thin air) altitude.
> Jet engines love to take off in the rain today-Maximum water injection
> and steam output. General Motors built a car in about 1968-72 that had
> a tank of alcohol and injected it into the carburetor if you pushed the
> gas pedal more than two thirds of the way down. I think it was a Buick
> or Oldsmobile.

I've been interested in hydrogen fueled vehicles for a few years now, and
one thing that caught my attention was the wankel rotary engine, as used in
Mazda RX-7s. Last year while I was searching for some info for my sister's
science fair project, I found a web page about running rotary engines on
hydrogen, and how they're far better suited to hydrogen conversions that
normal piston engines. At the bottom of this page is a mention of using
water injection with hydrogen, for exactly the reasons discussed in this
email thread.
