Re: Speed of Light?

Warren York ( )
Sat, 14 Aug 1999 21:27:46 -0500

Slavek Krepelka wrote:
> Halo gentleman,
Warren writes:
I was going to shut up for a while and let others respond here with
there ideas so I may learn some things also but you pushed my button
for just one more comment when you used the word TIME.

You basically have the right idea to the approach so I will let others
answer the parts I am not replying too. Yes, learn everything about
photons. I am working on reflective light at the moment and have an idea
on how to put my theory to the test. I believe it answers the
phenomena of why the clicks are heard still loud in the photomultiplier
even when the light is very dim. Only the number slows down and not the
strength. But that's another book and I am tired at the moment. I have
heart surgery to think about next week. This has kept my mind off of
it for a while but I must now physic myself up.
> Bringing time into it is something which I can't subscribe to. The
> reason is, that when you bring a clasical mechanical watch into the
> proximity of a permanent magnet, it will slow down and even stop. Does
> that mean that the time slowed down or stopped? I don't thing so. How
> can we say than, that time slows with speed or with increased strength
> of gravitational field. As far as I am concerned it is the clock, which
> slows down influenced somehow by something which we understand even less
> than the magnetic field.
> The time factor and curvature of space had been brought into the picture
> by the relativity mathematics for the simple reason that the math could
> be manipulated easier (may be only) in this manner. That does not
> necessarily mean that time and space are manipulable in reality.
> When it comes to the curvature of space, the dent in a rubber sheet
> under a bearing ball is caused by gravitational output of earth. Well,
> so is Mr. Einsten's curvature of space around the earth. Everybody talks
> about these man made concepts and very few bother to go after their
> causes. Curvature of space and the elasticity of time are terms which
> call for faith, but they explain you know what.
> I hope I did not do anything unethical. If so, please take it easy on
> me, I am new.
> Regards Slavek
Warren writes:
There is a real nature to TIME and not as it is being used here or in
science today. I am only saying that once you understand just what TIME
is then you will understand the dynamics of it. There are many states of
TIME and this is one reason it is represented just as you have here.
feel bad for you are not the only one using it this way. In fact I am
only one using it not in this manner and everybody else is. It is part
of the grand key to what we call QM. I will sit back and watch for a
while. Thank you all for the TIME which you can never gain back. GRIN :)