Re: Acupuncture Meridians conduct light??/Fiber Optics

Warren York ( )
Sat, 14 Aug 1999 20:31:23 -0500 wrote:
> Hi Jerry!
> Re:
> 'One exhibit I found particularly enlightening this afternoon is the one
> just past the entrance to the left. Be sure to pick up a copy of a
> Russian doctor's two-page paper "Meridians Conduct Light".
> It is claimed that if a light beam is aimed at an acupuncture point, the
> light will follow a passageway through the body and come out of the body
> at a different place!!!
> I would like to know how that supposedly works. It is obvious there is
> some deep unknown science going on here.'
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
> I don't know exactly how it works, but , this is consistent with the theory
> that Life Force energy traveling through the acupuncture meridians is
> manifest as a very special form of light. Per hudson: the theory of
> Superconductivity, when Cooper Pairs are formed they become Light Photons.
> The liquid light of life, traveling at the speed of sound.
> There was a navy research report issued in the seventies that found that
> light was somehow being utilized to comunicate in the brain and nervous
> system. I was told this by a Catholic Priest who taught mind control
> techniques about 1976 or 77.
> The implication is that the nerve channels are in reality a form of fiber
> optics!!
> If Anyone Can Get a Copy of that Report, Please see that Jerry gets it so it
> can be posted.
> R.E. Cathey
Jerry: Do you remember one of your conferences where there was a man
a deep scar on his cheek and spoke in a deep Russian accent like right
out of the James Bond movies? Well, I won't post his name here so he
won't come gunning for me but he pulled out of his pocket a small
vile that looked like machine oil. He told me that was like a hard disk
was to a computer and by using optics they could implant it under the
of a person and direct data to the brain as a storage unit. I just
wondering when I might see him again on America's most wanted. The point
in question is that very small hair like fibers were used to supply the
method using light as wires do in computers. He gave me samples of the
fibers and I still have them. They were very rare and that is why he
approached me knowing about the work with George. When you put an AC
current across the fibers they change color as you change the frequency
of the voltage. Here is a quote from some of the papers he also left
with me.

"Results of our work indicate that EM and ENE and similar types of
energies can have a direct effect on the cell membrane. However, a
substantial amount of work remains to be completed in order to
determine the mechanism of action for these types of energies. Our
experiments have demonstrated that these energies can indeed affect
other cells in the body in addition to nerve cells."...

P.S. Am I overloading the news group? I'll stop if I am. I just thought
you would find this within the range of the current topic above.