Re: Acupuncture Meridians conduct light??/Fiber Optics
Sat, 14 Aug 1999 18:55:06 EDT

Hi Jerry!

'One exhibit I found particularly enlightening this afternoon is the one
just past the entrance to the left. Be sure to pick up a copy of a
Russian doctor's two-page paper "Meridians Conduct Light".

It is claimed that if a light beam is aimed at an acupuncture point, the
light will follow a passageway through the body and come out of the body
at a different place!!!

I would like to know how that supposedly works. It is obvious there is
some deep unknown science going on here.'

I don't know exactly how it works, but , this is consistent with the theory
that Life Force energy traveling through the acupuncture meridians is
manifest as a very special form of light. Per hudson: the theory of
Superconductivity, when Cooper Pairs are formed they become Light Photons.
The liquid light of life, traveling at the speed of sound.

There was a navy research report issued in the seventies that found that
light was somehow being utilized to comunicate in the brain and nervous
system. I was told this by a Catholic Priest who taught mind control
techniques about 1976 or 77.

The implication is that the nerve channels are in reality a form of fiber

If Anyone Can Get a Copy of that Report, Please see that Jerry gets it so it
can be posted.

R.E. Cathey