Alt. Health science
Fri, 13 Aug 1999 23:37:56 EDT

Sonny Ward up in Idaho built a "Cosmic Cooler" and had
good luck fermenting fruit juices into a health elixir. Claims
include lessening scar tissues and the return of active pigment
to hair. Pure water exposed to the chamber's sacred geometry
is reputed to do likewise, with other positive benefits to the

A company called Ascension Alchemy promotes monoatomic
homeopathic properties in sublingual supplements and a water additive.
Developed with the help of German scientists, the results are reported
to be the creation of true superconductivity in the body's electrical system,
eliminating friction and short circuits, reducing wear and tear, contributing
to longevity. Of interest: after three refills, the hypothalamus is enlivened
and users report the roof of their mouths begin to regularly secrete a honey.

-----Sorry for the rambling in my last email. I was typing out loud and
send by accident. I would normally have edited that down to something
like, "Any chance behavioral science could shed light on how quarks behave?"