The amazing Photon
Fri, 13 Aug 1999 16:01:10 EDT

Since that last really good discusion about the speed of light I'd like to
give some information of what causes and what force the photon has.
The force of the photon is the electromagnetic force. Photons are both
particles and waves theorized by Albert Einstein (people who hate his theory
of reletivity... don't worry i don't beleive all of it myself). The reason
its a particle is because it is a little pocket of energy that doesn't
disapear. Another reason its a wave also is because its magnetic field
grows and shrinks which does most of its movement.
The photon can also change in frequency as does a wave (so its at least
a wave) these frequencies are measured by wavelengths.
Below is a quick information of the electromagnetic spectrum:

Cosmic rays
Gamma rays
x rays
Ultraviolet radiation
visible light
infrared radiation
Microwaves, radar
Radio waves
List is in decending frequency and in increasing wave lengths
more info on photons on the web
is a closer look at EM Radiation

Jeremy Lynn Mumme
all imaging requires a classic source of a photon i was wondering if anyone
or someone has already know or is currently working on a different source of