Re: Speed of Light?

Marinus Berghuis ( )
Thu, 12 Aug 1999 13:22:05 +1200

At 18:48 11/08/99 -0400, you wrote:

The speed of light is very well explained in a non scientific way by Bruce
I do harp on about this because I am not a physicist and algebra is
gobbledegook to me. I am a realist and look at numbers as units of measure
NOT abstracts.
Your confusion is understandable and I agree wholeheartedly that the so
called constant is gobbledegook although with a lot of so called
uncertainty principles, any argument can be proved with mathematics. Just
fit an uncertainty that suits and you receive a Nobel prize.!!
There are as many constants as scientists.
I do not believe the bible stories but have to admit that a lot of the
stories harbour scientific knowledge disguised as articles of faith.
The 144000 souls to be saved for instance give the clue to the speed of
light in our solar system. Our earth has been made manifest by the action
of light at that speed as it has been transformed into matter.
Therefor that speed is the critical velocity in our continuum.
I have noted with amusement that a certain spaceprobe does not adhere to
scientific principle outside the solar system. Does
that tell you something ?
If we go beyond that we enter into other dimensions where the speed of
light is either increased or decreased according to the requirement.
Anyway what has the speed of light to do with the price of fish !!
We are here and have to make the best of it. Those that have worked with
the advanced knowledge so far have only produced the hydrogen bomb and
radioactive waste which will haunts us for the next 10000 or more years
unless some bright spark like J.W.Keely comes along to dismantle the
rubbish left over with mind power and knowledge outside the norm.

Greetings from down under


If you want to become a physicist, take the appropriate courase and you
also will be brainwashed into oblivion.

Greetings and have fun while you can