Re: Magnetocaloric Aura?/Ghosts

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Tue, 10 Aug 1999 13:47:22 -0700 (PDT)

Hi R.E. et al!

Now that's an intriguing coincidence with the hollow
tube windchimes!! I have some of those too but never
noticed anything different than usual, same ol'

Yes, I meant to mention one other point in that
email...I don't recall if it was Bob or Ed or someone
else, but with regard to the Ghost Buster using the
MWO, someone told me that the mediums asked the ghosts
WHY they left, they said because something was tearing
at them, they lost concentration and felt something
analogous to pain.

I know, just so much bull, BUT with all those
frequencies from the electrostatic fields at various
chaotic PHASE ANGLES, perhaps there was massive random
frequency phase conjugation even at 180 degrees to
MAGNETICALLY CANCEL that particular frequency for the
duration of the quenching, thus unravelling the
aura/meissner field coherence, an ES splatter

There is a report from the Maurice Cooke book
'Einstein doesn't Live here anymore', he is the
businessman who started hearing voices and his hand
starting writing of itself when a pen was placed in
it, he says an entity called Hilarion instructed him
how to build these tubes, called inert gas generators
which are basically one or a combination of the inert
gases under pressure (about 200psi) in a sealed copper
tube. Not my preferred source of information but hey,
it worked and hadn't been done before to anyones

When you point one of these inert gas generators at
your body for a short period you can feel heat, cold,
tingling or other tactile sensations because of a
stream of energy from the tubes, the effect being
dependent on the gas or combination of gases inside
the tube, also the pressure.

The Hilarion material spans about 30 books and gives
much information about these tubes, how they work and
how to use them.

In the last part of the book, they were doing tests on
people with a psychic who claimed to be able to see
auras. They had this woman who was very obese and had
given up on regaining a normal, healthy weight. She
had tried numerous diets and weight loss programs,
with only temporary reductions that did not last.

They used one of these inert gas generators on her
under the guidance of this psychic for the purpose of
cutting, dissolving or basically sculpting her
aura....over the next few months, the woman lost an
incredible amount of weight with no additonal
help....everyone was patting each other on the back
because of this successful test of sculpting the fat
away by modifying her aura, but soon after the lady
began gaining the weight again.

She called in desperation and they invited her back to
see what happened. When the psychic looked at her,
the aura was back to its full blown pattern as if
she'd never lost the weight, although her physical
body was now smaller.

They used the inert gas tubes to again cut away and
trim the excess aura which had grown back as an
enormous balloon equal to what had been cut away from
her. This time they explained why it was necessary
that she visualize herself as slim otherwise the aura
would balloon back up, dragging or rather precipating
flesh to follow. This time she lost the weight and
kept it off.

The point being that just one modality won't work, in
her mind she kept projecting herself as fat so over
time that projection took the form of the fat and the
flesh filled in the beckoning pattern.

It sounds like so much junk, but there are lots of
little pieces that create part of a fascinating
picture...if we can figure it out and how to use it,
geez, what it could do for health and rejuvenation.

--- wrote:
> Hi Jerry!
> This theorectically suggests that the energy field
> of Dis-incarnate Entities (Ghosts)could be
> dissapated, hence removing their influence.
> The reason I'm responding is because I had an
> experience where I installed a Wind Chimes,
> several hollow metal tubes, allowed to bang and
> clang in the wind, just inside my door at the
> house to gather the chi energy spoken of in
> Fung Sui (sp?).
> In radionics hollow metal tubes are said to collect
> orgone energy.
> Anton Mesmer was said to have hollow metal tubes
> in a barrel that were > supposed to collect some
> kind of energy that resulted in healings.
> The next day I threw away the Wind Chimes and all
> the phenomena stopped.
> There is the potiential ability with these types
> of devices to control such energies for for
> purposes of experimentation.
> R.E. Cathey


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