quark theory response

Tue, 10 Aug 1999 14:38:12 EDT

>Hi everyone!
Hi no name,

Yes I have a question,
Has anyone ever seen any of these particles or are these particles
conclusion based on cloud chamber experiments where so called different
particles always seem to bounce of something at specific angles.
The table of elements shows a finite weight for proper atoms.
Hydrogen, the basic building block of the universe shows a mass weight when
divided by 4 will give a multiplier for every other atom but for a
compression factor which is consistent.So the real basic block is 1/4 mass
of hydrogen called monoatomic.Are scientists so busy trying to blind us
with rubbish to stop us thinking simple and making them redundant.
I fail to see why cyclotrons 8 miles in circumference show anything that
cannot be observed with telescopes. All that has been achieved so far is
weapons of mass destruction and science today is getting better and better
an making more devastating weaponry including brain damage causing rays and
For God's sake think simple and make some practical work instead of
blinding us with theoretical rubbish that get's no one anywhere.>
We have enough useless professors regurgitating ideas discovered 100 years
ago by people with nothing more than a clear brain unfettered by scientific
I personally am not interested in knowing how the creator created his own
mind and idea of matter.
All I can see is imagination which gave rise to thoughtwaves of a low
frequency. This frequency has harmonics running off it in endless
procession and interact giving rise to magnetic fields which in turn are
responsible for the creation of Hydrogen. After that hydrogen and it's
imagination made everything else.
If science thinks that quarks are important,it is only to keep their seats
warm with fat salaries when we the ordinary Joe Bloggs have to struggle to
survive and donate most of our earnings to the same so and so's.
