Social Responsibility & the quest for 'free energy'

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 07 Aug 1999 14:29:56 -0500

Hi Folks!

There is one socially irresponsible contingent in the alternative
science arena who are of the opinion that free energy can only come from
use of radioactive elements.

Radioactive materials are restricted for good reason and government
regulations against their uncontrolled, UNTRAINED use by the public is
quite rational.

The health risks of handling concentrated radioactive elements even in a
quest for 'free energy' are simply too great, not only for the person
handling them but anyone else living anywhere near them and can
eventually contaminate the local environment. Can you say Love Canal or

Would you be willing to blight your neighborhood or community, by taking
such a risk by blindly following the deranged instructions or promotions
of a sociopath?

People would not even be aware of exposure to toxic radiation levels
until they began experiencing health symptoms that could lead to serious
or terminal illness.

Promotion or experimentation with radioactive elements in uncontrolled
research envirnoments is unconscionable and it is a GOOD thing that the
government clamps down on possession and abuse of concentrated
radioactive materials because there are crazies out there who don't care
about themselves or anyone else, just as long as they can extract money
from it.

Why care if some stranger kills themselves or their family simply by
trying to achieve a working free energy machine while playing with
radioactive elements?

That is precisely why KeelyNet has never posted specific details or
information about weapons or technology that terrorists or sociopaths
could directly use to attack others or society. Well of course,
anything can be adopted to carry out destruction but that doesn't mean
anyone should provide plans and construction details to make it easier.

Fortunately, to date, the construction details for radioactive based
free energy devices have been sufficiently flawed, laughable and
fraudulent as to not succeed on a public scale, however the
recommendation for collection and concentration of radioactive material
is still a danger that people must be made aware of.

Don't buy any plans that remotely suggest using radioactive materials
unless you are willing to take the legal and moral consequences should
you act on them. In time, the diseased fruit of plans that promote
radioactivity will wither on the vine and fade away to halt the
sociopathic experimentation that risks so many innocents.

For instance, as a matter of social responsibility, there have been
numerous emails over the years comlaining why KeelyNet doesn't post
cloudbuster construction details (among others) which are of course now
freely available on the net.

What if people all over the country built one of these and were
attempting to either create rain or dissipate storms simply for their
own or their communities personal or commercial gain?

What you do affects your neighbors and beyond so it would be irrational
and socially irresponsible to promote the use of such technology no
matter the temptations and even more disgusting if selling the plans are
involved. Why not just sell guns to teens if you are that devolved?

Eventually weather control will be coordinated efforts on the part of
many groups or even governments, rather than by isolated experimenters
jerking the weather to bend to their will or particular pleasure of the

Refer to the concerns of Joel Carlinksy as posted at;

The same philosophy and mode of socially conscious action applies to
other technologies which produce more negatives than positives.

Some might argue that the free release of working free energy plans or
gravity control plans (that WORK WHEN BUILT) as a simple proof of
principle, desktop version, will cause much havoc. That is probable,
but society and the world will recover in short order without damage to
health and life based on the CLAIMS I have seen (Moray, Hendershot,
Coler, Keely, Hyde, Testatika, Hamel/Searl, Lambertsens WIN cells, etc.)

The oil and power generation industries will be the first affected and
the permutations to societies and governments will be enormous.

However, I am of the opinion such technologies will not take over in one
night or even one year. They will necessarily be phased in because
someone, MANY SOMEONES will be building larger prototypes, testing and
marketing them.

It is up to not only each and every one of us but also the power and oil
producers to get in on the ground floor for constructing, marketing and
selling these units and maintaining/repairing them, but first we have to
DISCOVER what WORKS and quit bragging or making claims without PROOF.
The discoveries will then seep into all areas of society worldwide at
various rates.

There will no doubt be many new regulations dealing with safety concerns
and UL type rating/certification of such free energy systems, flight
controls for increased aerial and space craft traffic and the general
overseeing of the quality, sales and practical use of such technologies.

Now with this erroneous and irreponsible idea that ONLY radioactive
elements will be the answer to true 'free energy', are the health risks

Does it make sense to ignore the Casimir/ZPE force, ignore the forces
which make the planets and electrons orbit, ignore tapping into earth or
atmospheric currents, ignore natural temperature or electric differtials
in favor of radioactivity? They are certainly 'free' and certainly
aren't sourced by radioactivity, so why take the chance?

There are of course lots of radioactive elements but here I am concerned
with the general health risks involved as well as the promotion of the
use of any radioactive elements for free energy. I maintain that such
blatant promotion is irresponsible and without regard for anyone's
health or safety and is sociopathic behavior solely for the acquisition
of money.

For instance, as a matter of noting health concerns with radioactive
materials, in doomed attempts for 'free energy' or otherwise, the use of
even depleted uranium (non-fissionable but still radioactive) in weapons
still poses serious health hazards to the military personnel handling
them as posted at;

'Depleted UF6 (DU) is a health risk because the uranium is radioactive
and can cause cancer. It is also a heavy metal that has toxic effects,
mostly on the kidneys, if it enters through the bloodstream by means of
ingestion or inhalation. The UF6 can react with moisture in the air
producing HF, that damages the lungs if inhaled.

The health affects of the DU use are staggering. They are sufficiently
soluble to contaminate soil, groundwater and surface water. These
microscopic, radioactive heavy metal particles (DU and daughter cells
like beryllium) can enter the body through ingestion and inhalation. The
ingestion of the DU accumulates in the bones and kidneys, similarly to
lead, the DU is permanently deposited.

The damages caused to the kidneys and tumor growths are irreversible. In
pregnancy, DU crosses the placenta creating a higher risk for birth
malformations because the cells are dividing so rapidly as the fetuses
are developing.

The DU weapons have been traced to a increase in children diagnosed with
cancer around the contaminated areas. 'When inhaled the radiation from
the uranium continues to assault the bodies cells and their nuclei.'
The efforts of Dr. Paul Brown as noted earlier and others like Dr.
Roberto Monti are more representative of radioactive materials research
which would BENEFIT rather than damage society because it is useful work
being carried out by professionally trained and certified researchers
who know full well the DANGERS of working with radioactive elements.

Here is a scary URL about the 2000 tons per year of waste from nuclear
power plants;

'Every day, more than six tons of dangerous nuclear waste pile up at
power plants around the country" more than 2,000 tons a year. The spent
reactor fuel, highly radioactive for the next 10,000 years, has long
been the nuclear industry's most vexing problem.'
This URL shows leukemia and malignant tumors as radiation induced;
This is a problem which Dr. Browns research efforts could assist in
resolving. Note; Dr. Brown does not sell 'plans', Dr. Brown does not
encourage anyone to remotely experiment with radioactive elements and in
fact is vocal about the dangers. Dr. Brown does not sell plans or
recommendations instructing people how to process their own radioactive
source materials from pitchblende or other materials. Dr. Brown
develops, tests, PROVES and patents his work.
On the typical Internet bizarre level, I have seen arguments that the
health concerns for radioactive materials exposures are completely
inflated because the government does not want anyone to realize how easy
it is to build their own atomic bomb so anytime they find a case of
promiscuous abuse of concentracted radioactive materials, they make a
big production out of it to further scare and escalate public concerns
about the 'dangers' of radioacitivity.

One fellow (Galen Windsor?) used to publicly rail against this years ago
and even videotaped himself drinking a glass of radioactive material
without apparent harm to him. I met him and his wife at a conference a
few years ago and he didn't look too healthy to me but I did not ask
about cancer or anything because that is personal information.

Is it worth the risk of damaging your health, your friends or family or
contaminating your local environment, whatever the reason for taking
such a risk? For free energy, its not worth it since there are better
sources that will do more good than harm.

Walter Russell wrote the wonderful book 'Atomic Suicide' warning against
the health dangers from long lived radioactive elements and there does
seem to be tons of information where exposure to radioactive elements
produces cancer, mutation and organ death.

Again, is 'free energy' worth compromising your health or life as well
as risking damage to your friends, family or local envirnonment? As the
McLaughlin panel says, the answer is NO, not remotely.

The formula is quite simple

=> NEVER <

help but do not hinder. (Equal to or greater than but NEVER less than)
A radiation article in Readers Digest a few months ago, entitled, "The
Atomic Boyscout" told about how a boyscout studying atomic theory was
able to acquire radium paint from old clocks. (hmm, where have I heard
this story before, but with radium coated watches???)

He got a few hundred smoke detectors and was able to contaminate the
workshed in back of his house. The government had to send in a radiation
cleanup crew in full isolation suits to clean up and haul it all away.

Now this boy, who was apparently very bright and simply wanting to learn
has joined the Navy and is working in their atomic division doing real
work of value.
So I suggest any of you boyscouts out there promoting radioactive
material as your answer to free energy, grow up and try to be a
responsible man of integrity, take a good hard look at yourselves and
your TRUE motives (trying to get suckers money) when you are
recommending to anyone that they try to collect or otherwise experiment
with radioactive materials.

Fine, hurt yourself if you so choose, but no one has the right to
endanger others as a consequence of their uncaring activities or to
promote or encourage others who might dimly think they will get 'free
energy secrets' that REALLY work for a few bucks.

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187