Floyd Sweet VTA Info?

Russell Garber ( (no email) )
Fri, 06 Aug 1999 11:49:56 -0400

I am looking for the latest info on the Floyd Sweet VTA device and any work
that others have done on this.
The latest stuff I can find on this dates back to 1992.
I have read other messages here, that state that there is more info, but the
web links on the page no longer exist.
For example: One message here stated:

>An article several years ago in Space Energy News (published out of Florida)
>relates a conversation someone had with Floyd "Sparky" Sweet, wherein the
>preferred method of conditioning was detailed

Does anyone have a copy of this article or know where I might be able to read
it online?
Another message here stated the following:

>Are you aware of Alan J. Dubla's current effort ? (He's working on
>replicating Floyd Sweet's VTA).
>If not, check it at

Further replies to this message stated that this person was slighlty successful
in replicating some of Sweet's work, and that his page detailed the magnet
conditioning and circuit design techniques, but the link to his site no
longer works.
Does anyone know of a central location with all the latest info on this, (I
could not find it here at KeelyNet, although I may not be searching correctly
as I am knew to this site), or if Alan J. Dubla has another web page with this
If the files are here at KeelyNet, could someone please post the names of the
files, so that I may download them?
Any info on this would be greatly appreciated.