Self-Organizing phase transitions

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Mon, 2 Aug 1999 06:48:36 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Folks!

This amazing report seems to tie in with
self-organizing fields and even to John Hutchisons
assemblage of electronic devices exhibiting
poltergeist properties, almost as if a low level
intelligence is manifesting and mapping its

It also ties in well with the properties of the Bose
Einstein Condensate, Keely's claims of 'graduation of
a machine' along with his 'sympathetic attendant' that
appears to be a means of controlling or influencing
machines with the mind.

The Sweet VTA and other claims of free energy always
require tuning but I think it goes BEYOND just tuning
and must involve the establishment of just such a
collective harmony that allows for the phase
transition as described at;


Several systems with large populations exhibit a
coordinated ensemble behavior. For example, fireflies
can flash in unison, crickets can chirp together, and
pacemaker cells in the heart work together.

Theorists, such as Yoshiki Kuramoto of the University
of Kyoto (Japan), have supposed for some time that the
onset of synchronization would be equivalent to a
phase transition, like the transformation of water
into ice, and have worked out formulas to deal with
the problem. (Science News, 13 April 1996.)

Now, physicists at Georgia Tech and Cornell have
performed experimental studies of large series arrays
of nonidentical Josephson junctions which bear out the

As the input current was varied, the array showed two
phase transitions, one in which the voltage
oscillations of the junctions became partially
synchronized, and a second in which the frequency
coupling became complete.

Normally, the junctions, which are all slightly
different, would oscillate at their own natural
frequencies. The researchers plan next to test
two-dimensional arrays. (Kurt Wiesenfeld et al.,
Physical Review Letters, 15 January 1996.)
check out the excellenta article on the Hutchison
poltergeist like phenomena at;

"Basically, what Hutchison did was cram into a single
room a variety of devices which emit electromagnetic
fields (such as Tesla coils, van de Graaff generators,
RF transmitters, signal generators, etc.).

He found that after they had been running for a while,
effects began to occur that were identical to what
have come to be regarded as poltergeist phenomena.
Objects of any material levitated into the air and
hovered there, or moved about and then fell; fires
started in unlikely places around the building; a
mirror smashed at a distance of 80 feet away; metal
distorted and broke; water spontaneously swirled in
containers; lights appeared in the air and then
vanished; metal became white-hot but did not burn any
surrounding materials; and so on.

Everything that psychical researchers have been
documenting for decades as poltergeist activity; and
that priests have been called in to exorcise
eventually turned up in the laboratory where John
Hutchison's device operated.

Although it was made up of different parts, it
operated as a single entity, and phenomena occurred in
the same unpredictable way as reported poltergeists:
you could be there for days and nothing would happen,
then suddenly coins would flip and fly, water would
swirl and a transformer would blow.

And this brings me to an unfortunate aspect of the
device: it has a tendency to destroy itself. It is
worth recalling at this point that psychical
researchers have in fact dubbed poltergeist activity
as "destructive haunting"."
equilibrium vs non-equilibrium - why bird flocks veer,
bacteria rotate and magnets misalign;


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