Re: Detecting Gravity Waves

Marinus Berghuis ( )
Tue, 03 Aug 1999 09:42:59 +1200

At 13:01 1/08/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi Folks!
>Recently received an email asking about how to detect gravity waves and

Hi all,

Gravity is supposed to be an effect of electrostatic charge. The centre of
gravity as an attractive force on the surface is not in the centre of the
earth. It resides 8 kilometers up from the surface.
Gravity waves as postulated are directly affected by the energy released by
the sun. (A push effect.)
The effects on the stock market etc have all been extensively researched
and described with most precise statistical detail over a considerable
period of time in the paperback called CYCLES OF HEAVEN. If you have that
book and adhere to its's tables, you will never loose your shirt on the
Humanity at large are reacting en masse and display herd mentalities over
which they have no conscious control. King Sol is our master wether we
like it or not.
To quote one glaring example :
When the U.S.A. entered the war in 1943, the whole population including
women who stood to loose most stood there waving their hero's to battle
knowing half would be slaughtered one way or the other.
This was an example of a masse thought caused by king Sol who sees all,
hears all and causes all including life in all it's forms.
We know that Egypt at one time was the centre of all ancient knowledge left
over from the major conflagration some 6000 to 4000 years ago.
Significance should be give to the fact that they spent half their life
venerating ATUN, AMUN and ALL religions of those times were based on the
same deity.
Even the Greeks venerated the Sun as the eye of Horus and have to ask why
we assume that we are anything else but an extension of the creation spirit
centred for us in the manifestation of the Sun.
Orthodox science spends millions every year tracking the energies from the
sun and every time an eclipse occurs scientist of all over the globe flock
to those area's where THEY KNOW so called gravity waves are affected.
The ancients had the greatest fear of eclipse effects because a lot of
their science was based on terrestial energy pattern which would be
disturbed to a great extent and therefor eclipse prediction was of utmost
importance so they possibly could swith off or minimise their global energy
usage and thereby prevent major blow outs.

My contribution for what it is worth!
