Re: Is elemental resonance worldwide in phase?

Marinus Berghuis ( )
Mon, 02 Aug 1999 10:35:33 +1200

At 12:42 31/07/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi Marinus et al!
Hi Jerry and all,

Have read your reply and also read all the past threads in connection with
this querie and have this comment.
Bruce Cathie shows in his books the mathematical connection required to
affect a time shift which is rational and ties in with all the information
I read in the last half hour. He also explains why the Philadelphia
experiment was dangerous to life.
The time machine reports show that interlocking magnetic fields do shift
our mental awareness and physical reality.So does experiments with the
mental stimulation of the small magnets in our brain.
The trick is to construct a zone within the magnetic fields which is
neutral and composed of matter capable of resonating at a unified frequency
that is harmonically in tune with all manifestations of matter (the
frequency of Z>P>E ???)on this earth excluding transient one's like
radioactive substances which have no right to exist in our continuum and
are therefor destructive.
When constructing a time travelling device you do not sit on top of the
fields, nor unshielded inside the fields because your body cannot cope.
Our bodies are made of water and water reacts violently to magnetic fields
and especially d.c. current destroys the make up of the water matrix.
Just imagine what happens to your blood if every platelet was polarised and
facing one direction. Your brain would be deprived of food and loose the
ability to coordinate anything, hence the resulting mentally deficient
(permanent) participants.
Jerry's final comments in the time travel threads hit the nail on the head
and somehow must ask "What the hell are you doing for a living?"
The knowledge and insight stored in your upstairs should be employed
elsewhere and not waste your time on Keely net coordination.
You live in a country with enough billionaires to find one that would be
interested in worthwhile work surely.
Scientists and universities are all researching tiny facets of particular
problems and take years to find answers.
What is needed is a multi discipline coordinator and I am sure Jerry that
you and some others on the Keely net could form a small group able to
direct scientific experimentation with better effect than is happening at
I for instance never look at ideas with one object in mind. I come to
conclusions because of the interdisciplinary approach having been employed
from the shittiest job to the most exalted.
The same with so called religious concepts. I have studied them all and
come to conclusions without dogma and am still open to modification of
As finance is the key to any worthwhile result, this is the first and
foremost requirement to be looked at. It is the same here, and hopefully
meet someone with money and an interest in thinking beyond his pocket
tomorrow afternoon. If not I once more have to go into employment taking me
away from working on most necessary research and the older I get the more
feeble the result.

Otherwise have fun while it lasts
