Re: global commo

Marinus Berghuis ( )
Sat, 31 Jul 1999 13:30:12 +1200

At 07:19 29/07/99 -0500, you wrote:
>The reaso we're not all using ULF ground wave is that the wave form has

Hi all,

I am aware of the limitations of ULF transmissions as this requires high
amounts of wattage input. The Blenheim arial is known to put out 3
Kilowatts of power and may be more.
However I am puzzled.
If normal radio frequencies can be received via a ground arial and are
known to strengten in reception strength the more a certain frequency is
used, see Keely archive? Would this not work the other way, i.e. Ask Gaia
to do the job required as it appears that the earth as a living entity is
willing to oblige individual requests. (here we go again !!)
I personally have used a ground arial in favour of high arials because I
managed for instance to build a radio solely for the purpose of listening
to the New York stock exchange for a client of mine and he ended up a
This was 40 years ago!! So onward Keely soldiers and experiment !!
Radio frequencies are magnetic waves travelling through air. Earth mass is
no different than air only denser but still influenced by magnetic waves.
Sound waves travel right through the earth as I know from my drilling
company association. Whales are known to communicate over thousands of
miles through water.
All matter is composed of mono atomic particles in tight formations but can
be disassociated by frequencies as shown by J.W. Keely and his machines.
So if we are looking for ground wave communication, we do not want to push
and shove like the U.L.F. stations, we want to gently nudge at base
frequencies which lie in a known spectrum providing we can establish what
mind frequency is necessary to communicate with Gaia.
Please look at the pyramids and the set up of the 6 layers of granite over
the kings chamber, The irish communication towers of which we don't know
how they worked. Stonehenge and it's very precice alignment to be able to
communicate with other stellar systems. The Eremoeder of Scandinavia used a
special tower constructed with 7 layers of various materials for all the
world looking like a rocket taking off because of the very sharp point on
the top. However it was an electrical device because it shows the same
glypgh as the Egyption everglowing lamps as reconstructed by von Danicken.
All these devices did not use radio frequencies (the Ark of covenant excepted)
but were able to instantly communicate at sub or super frequencies by using
brainpower.(perhaps soul power).
Fruit for thought !!!

Bye for now
