Re: uv light/mercury power? and the snooper brigade.

Marinus Berghuis ( )
Fri, 30 Jul 1999 08:23:24 +1200

At 20:35 28/07/99 +0100, you wrote:

Hello Roger and all,

The mind boggles when I hear and see the various things people do and find
posted on the keel net.
Like my mind this morning after reading the ABC article about big brother
Tesla experimented with ground arials for global communication and must
wonder why we are using cables and satelites when all of us have computers
capable of reading extremely small impulses. Somewhere in the archives we
have an experiment where an experimenter found then when the earth can be
stimulated to transmit a particular frequency, it will amplify this for the
person who wants it.
Why do we not decide on a frequency and all of us build a simple
transmitter connected to a ground arial and communicate as a group without
the use of telephone or monitored communication channels. We could even use
the encryption facility on our computers to stop the snooper poopers.
Personally I am sick of interfering do gooders totally dominated by the have's
who think their excrement is holier than mine.
However your mercury experiment.
Mercury holds the power of free energy and am working on it.
I have been offered a supervising job for a few month's which will give me
the finance to prove it.

See ye !!
