(no subject)

Lindsay Mannix ( (no email) )
Tue, 27 Jul 1999 17:40:43 PDT

RE Stevens coil

I have some info about the stevens coil and scam or not it needs to be
duplicated. While it could be battries, the people who i have spoken with
,one of whom cut it in half have seen no battries other than to start it ,
these people while financially involved are not scammers although the
possibility exists that they are fooled themselves.
this subject alone is worthy of investigation as it is at the heart of any
free energy "toogood to be true" inventions .I am not prepared to give up on
proving the stevens coils as it may be the break thru that we have all been
waiting for,this can be proved by everyone sharing what they know to be fact
and sharing their results it shouldn't take more than a few weeks to put
this matter to rest.
So here is what i have found out 22 turns of 23/0076 lamp wire around a 10
inch wood former . there are capacitors but no info on them. I have used a
14 inch wheel plastic wheel trim with 22 turns of lamp wire and ,wavin a
magnet over the coil gives a rf output which i have not been able to explain

keep searching
Lindsay Mannix
Western Australia

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