Re: article: New Armor for Magnetic Devices

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Tue, 20 Jul 1999 14:35:13 -0400 (EDT)

Hi Folks!

With regard to this new shielding process using open reminds me of a Faraday cage and I remember
reading of psi experiments where people were placed in
Faraday cages to sheild them from outside EM emissions
and they said it greatly enhanced their abilities for
telepathy and precognition....but never saw it tested
on remote viewing...

With Chuck Shramek's aura viewing machine, he had one
lady who claimed to be able to 'project'..he wanted to
photograph her while doing this and she said when she
tried, she couldn't get completely out...the photos of
this before and during show this ghostly image with
the chakra images moved to the edge of the body as if
trying to follow the ghost, as seen in the file;

I wonder what the health impllications are for
sleeping in an environment where all magnetic fields
were completely suppressed???????

Sounds like this could open up entire new vistas for
research and products that might be of use.