Re: article: New Armor for Magnetic Devices

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Tue, 20 Jul 1999 08:12:57 -0400 (EDT)

Hi Steve et al!

Interesting, reversing the magnetic fields to cancel
out the force and thus provide protection. That
should come up with all kinds of novel shapes...what
would be cool would be a kind of retro-reflective
material that would phase conjugate by 180 degrees any
magnetic field that came near it with an equal yet
opposite intensity.

An alternating magnetic field at a high enough
intensity and frequency could cause heating in such a
material but hey, that's the breaks..<g>..

Thanks for sharing the URL, at first glance about the
nature of the post, I first thought it was some kind
of new alloy that would involve MU metal but this
adaptive process is so much more efficient and better
able to match the input to optimize cancellation.

Wonder why they thought it was such a 'novel' thing,
since bifilar wire, moebius and caduceus type windings
also cancel magnetic flux by projecting an equal and
opposite field against the other?

This produces what Dr. Hooper calls a 'motional' or
pure electric field, which is apparently not resisted
by any inductive or capactive material, thus can
project much further without loss due to resistance or
impedance since the field is not sapped as it moves
through matter. Science marches on...duh....

--- Steve <> wrote:
> This article was about magnetic shielding for MRI
> devices, but it will be
> useful for other areas, possibly including f/e or
> other similar research.
> ttyl
> -Steve


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