uplifting news

Joseph Hiddink ( (no email) )
Sat, 17 Jul 1999 00:20:59 -0400

Ajax, Ontario, Canada July 16 1999

Dear Jerry: Was trying to improve the computer by installing more Microsofties and
screwed a few things up. Could not even get at my modem or fax or
e-mail. Had a heck of a time trying to delete a bunch of nogoodies..
Fax is still not working.

We had a fire at the Master Telephone station in Toronto of the Bell
Telephone company, that had probably something to do with it.

Re your last e-mail: I will be honored to join your discussion group. I
may not have so much time, as business is given first priority I have
to eat.

I read in one of the missives, that some people are a little bit
confused about plusses and minuses of voltages. I will try to explain
once again:

Draw a circle on a piece of paper. This represents the sphere.

Now draw a capacitor inside that circle (A capacitor is drawn,
electrically, by two parallel lines that do not touch. Make one of the
lines solid, and draw a connection to the circle (sphere).

Draw the other line in stipples like - - - - - -, with swiches on both
sides of the stipples / - - - - - - \ .

They are in the 'on' position, and that side of the capacitor is active.

Now connect a battery with the minus to the solid line , via a switch.

/ --

Connect the plus of the battery to the stipple line part of the capacitor,
via a switch / , When both switches are thrown, the capacitor C ( which
will have a size of e.g. 1 microfarad) will reach your battery voltage Q =3D CV

Now we put both switches that are connected to the battery in the 'off'
position. That capacitor is still charged, and the sphere would show 12
volt negative. Now the switches connected to the stipples are put in the
'off' position. That makes that side of the capacitor disappear, the solid
line is left, and still connected to the sphere, as a 1-terminal capacitor.

But the capacity is now the capacity of the sphere. And that sphere, if
it is a little bit bigger than three feet in diameter, has a capacity
of about 50 micromicrofarad.,

That is 1,000,000 / 50 =3D 20,000 times smaller. But the voltage goes up
20,000 times. You get momentarily 240,000 volts. and that is negative
in nature, like the solid line of your capacitor. And it carries the
whole charge of the 2-terminal capacitor. This part is connected to the

If that sphere rests on the ground, the ground will try to absorb that
voltage. But we, very cunningly, repeat the process, fast. And the
ground gets another mouthful. But after a few mouthfuls, that part of
Mother Earth gets fed up, and rejects the next appetizer.

The sphere comes off the ground. Sure, the ground will then become obstinate
and eventually become positive right under the hovering sphere, which would
attract the negative sphere, and as positive attracts negative, crash
it, accompanied by a short-distance lightning stroke, but the idea is
to get away from it all, and after 'rejection' use the earth's
magnetic field to take off to higher realms.

There will be a few guidelines for future Flying Saucer operators,
probably on a computer screen.

Regards, Joe Hiddink