Non-Disclosures a Legal Entrapment

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Fri, 16 Jul 1999 21:49:02 -0500

Hi Folks!

Something interesting regarding fairness and rational requests.

What would you do if someone contacted you claiming they had AN IDEA for
a free energy, gravity control or other device, yet HAD NOT BUILT IT or
proven it yet?

They want you to sign a non-disclosure for their IDEAs, not a working

What do you do?

If you sign it, then you are forever restricted from discussing any of
those IDEAS publicly without risk of legal action.

Is this a logical or fair request? Of course not.

Up front you have no idea what will be talked about, so once they
'share' that info through the non-disclosure release, you have sealed
your fate and risk legal action in any future discussions if you happen
to broach ANY OF THOSE IDEAS, either publicly or privately that can be
overheard, copied, recorded or otherwise traced.

It is simply an irrational and unfair teaser for information.

Even if they claim to have a working device, saying if you want to know
more, you'll have to sign a non-disclosure, up front, without ever
seeing the machine, without having a chance to duplicate it or test it,
is that rational? Of course not.

It is a subset of greed and control, not blatantly exposed but certainly
showing something that is most unpleasant and to be avoided like a
rattlesnake with its tail in the air.

I understand trust and I understand that some things are proprietary and
if you agree to not release or share certain SPECIFIC PROPRIETARY
INFORMATION (meaning you are developing a product) fine, then it will be
kept confidential as a matter of trust.

I'm sure many of us have confidential information that we agreed not to
share and thats fine, please DO KEEP IT SECRET if you have agreed to do
so and you are serving as a consultant or sounding board for their

However, what would happen to the world if everyone thought like that
and required non-disclosure of ideas or unproven devices under possible
threat of litigation if you happen to mention it?

One famous researcher and writer whose name I won't mention signed a
non-disclosure with the financiers of a certain well known, now deceased
researcher. When he happened to mention a couple of the ideas publicly,
word got back to the financiers (who never were able to duplicate the
invention anyway), they filed a lawsuit and won an approximate $30,000
judgement against this researcher/writer.

It was an extreme and unnecessary hardship on him and it was all caused
by the researcher/writer wanting so badly to have an inside track on
what could be a world shaking discovery. But it backfired in a very big

So be VERY WARY of anyone wanting you to sign a non-disclosure, for any
reason...calm down, take a few breaths...I know we all want to believe
so badly and we all want proof, but not by signing away our right to
freely discuss ideas and technology.

the FIRST to have it, like George Carlin says, he doesn't care about
being first, as long as he is NEXT....and it will in time come down to
all if its real.

My policy has been that for years now but recently I had two email
teasers within one month offering a 'new discovery' with no details
offered yet asking for me to sign a non-disclosure....I don't want to
know anything so badly that I would sign away my freedom of speech.

The world WILL change to this 'information should be free' atttitued as
KeelyNet and many in the alt science fields have long practiced (since
1988 for KeelyNet) and which the Internet has proven works quite well.

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187