Frank Lincoln ( )
Fri, 16 Jul 1999 05:10:11 -0400

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What do you think?

Frank Lincoln

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EER in Brief

Electronic Electricity Repository (EER) is merely a concept at this time.=

The easiest way to explain it is to use an electric vehicle as an =

example. To power an EV with EER, an array of electronic devices - =

perhaps solid-state capacitors, perhaps another device - would =

contain the electrical charge accumulated from a variety of sources =

of electricity. Renewable energy sources are suggested, but *any* =

source of electricity would work. With the questionable future of batter=
y-powered EV's, and fusion as an energy source, and the political debate =
about fossil fuels, there are strong reasons to take a look at EER. =

In fairness, many say it cannot be done. But, perhaps another war =

- or avoiding one - could put the right minds to work on this concept. It=
*would* provide a way to be independent of foreign =

oil, while providing a structure for the transition to renewable forms =

of energy to power EV's - or any other device powered by electricity.

This is merely a shell of an idea, but perhaps some further thought could=
help bring it about.

A more detailed description - and much criticism - can be found in =

several of the technical forums of CompuServe.

Frank Lincoln....72430,2407=

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Electronic Electricity Repository has been put forth, for some time now i=
n these forums, as a new approach to dealing with energy. Technically, t=
he first effort on this was embarrassingly wrong. This is an effort to t=
ake into consideration the education received over these forums, and then=
see if there is something still worthwhile remaining to this concept. =

The first effort speculated at using trench capacitors to contain electri=
cal energy produced by any of the developing renewable energy sources (o=
r any source of electricity) and using that contained electrical energy f=
or domestic purposes such as electric vehicles and individual storage uni=
ts for home heating. In light of what has been learned, the following is=
a general, unscientific retry as to how EER might still be accomplished.=
There is no claim of expertise in the technologies that might be used, =
just a suggestion as to how to apply their capabilities.

It is understood that high energy density is something that has been soug=
ht for many years - the concept is nothing new. What is suggested here i=
s the possibility that modern technology may now be in the position to ac=
tually attain it - to a degree that could combine the many energy sources=
(new and old) into a common pool. =


- Trench capacitors, at the present time, have nowhere near the capabili=
ty to deal with the degree of energy that would be required in Electronic=
Electricity Repository.
- The area of the plates in a trench capacitor will, for the most part, =
determine the capacitance - not exclusively, but this is the factor that =
is dealt with here as having the most potential for improvement. It is a=
ssumed that progress in the other factors - dielectric strength, dielectr=
ic composition, etc. - will continue, and will accommodate the suppositio=
n of surface area increase made here.

- The surface area of a trench capacitor plate can be greatly increased =
without increasing the perimeter, or the space required to store the capa=
- Etching a groove on the plate surface will do this, to a small degree,=
and it is done, to some extent, today. What is surmised, here, is that,=
as the technology allows, many cross-grooves could be etched *within* th=
e first groove. Then, with increasing precision, these cross-grooves cou=
ld, in turn, be cross-grooved. And, then those cross-grooves cross-groov=
ed. Each successive cross-grooving would be progressively smaller - magn=
itudes smaller. This could be repeated until the molecular level was rea=
ched - each time increasing the surface area of the plate, and thus the c=
apacitance. An inexact estimate of the number of times it could be repea=
ted is 26. It is surmised that each groove, cross-groove, and etc., woul=
d be matched by a ridge, a cross-ridge, and etc., on the opposite plate, =
with corresponding shapes for the dielectric. The resulting configuratio=
n would yield a perfectly matching set of plates (sandwiching an appropri=
ately shaped, and expectedly advanced dielectric). Such a configuration =
and material composition may not be possible at this time, but the direct=
ion of efforts in their respective technologies may lead to their develop=
ment in the very near future. This concept is put forth in *anticipation=
* of those developments.
- In theory, each successive etching would substantially increase the ar=
ea of the plates, and thus the capacitance *without increasing their size=
*, their perimeter, or the volume of space needed for them. Again, the o=
nly barrier seems to be at reaching the molecular level, after each groov=
e is re-grooved, perpendicularly, and then THAT groove is re-grooved, etc=
.. This would take advantage of all the "inner space" available between t=
he plate surface, and the molecular level. (Understand that in place of =
"etching", Scanning Tunneling Microscope Technology might be applied - or=
even nanotechnology, if that ever becomes reality. The point is to conf=
igure the grooves - by whatever method.)

- An almost endless storage system for electricity.
- A way to store electricity from *any* source, from renewables to a wal=
l socket.
- A possible solution to the search for a better power plant for electri=
c vehicles.
- A structure within which to make the conversion from fossil fuels to r=
- A way to accumulate the "trickle" of the many forms of renewable energ=
y, and combine
and store them in a practical way; a way that could give s=
trength to the many "weak" =

and diffuse renewable energy sources.
An attempt to generally suggest HOW to accomplish EER will be made; this =
will be based on the feedback received so far on this concept. For the =
most part, feedback has come from various forums in CompuServe. All major=
objections will be mentioned, and a way around each one will be suggeste=
ENERGY DENSITY - This appears to be the leading objection to EER. In =
the strongest terms, it is postulated, here, that there is no sacred or p=
ermanent universal limit to energy density - there are only hurdles. The=
re *are* limits to present materials and there *are* limits to a given ge=
ometry, but no universal scientific boundary that would stand forever and=
always. There are certainly physical limits to the materials *now* bein=
g used, but, this concept of EER does, indeed, depend upon progress in th=
is area - improvements in materials are bound to happen. Unless human pr=
ogress is at its maximum, there is reason for such an expectation. Espec=
ially since - many say - technology is doubling every day with computer t=
echnology, and since many of the best resources in the world are focused =
on this type of science. (If anything like this concept of EER ever hap=
pens, it will be as a natural development of such materials - and NOT a =
result of this effort; that is quite thoroughly understood.) =

It is suggest here that even without improvements in dielectrics, there =
may be opportunity to vastly improve their capability with the one factor=
- geography of the plates.

Just as computers changed everything about information, some form of EER=
may change the way energy is dealt with. The suggestion, above, regardi=
ng etching grooves in trench capacitor plates, and then etching those gro=
oves, etc., is offered as a possible way to provide the structure that wo=
uld enable a monumentally higher energy density, than has ever been achie=
ved. If the geometry of the plates is configured as suggested here, and =
they are identically wrinkled, it is expected that a very high energy den=
sity could be achieved by taking advantage of the inner space. The accum=
ulation of a massive repelling force between plates is a problem for whic=
h no answer will be attempted here. But, mechanics aside, it appears tha=
t developing technology will, indeed, provide the tools necessary to conf=
igure the plates.

CAPACITOR LEAKAGE - Two points here: 1) Leakage in trench capacitors is=
not nearly as big a problem as it was a few short years ago - holding a =
charge for an electric vehicle, for example, would be well within the cyc=
le of usage. In other words, an EV would be expected to be used often en=
ough to use the charges before they have time to leak. 2) The percentage=
of loss due to leakage could logically be offset by overloading the capa=
citor bank by a like percentage. This is somewhat of a built-in ineffici=
ency, but in time, wouldn't the leakage problem be expected to continue t=
o improve?

ARCHING - The concern about electrical arching between the extremely sm=
all dimensions created by the etching and re-etching can only be explaine=
d away by a layman in this way: the extremely small dimensions would occu=
r between parts of the same plate - and *not* between the opposing plates=
.. The surfaces of the two plates would remain equidistant over the entir=
e area. It is expected that the extremely small dimensions would only oc=
cur between points on the same plate, at the same potential - and, thus, =
no arching would be anticipated.

ATOMIC LEVEL - In a pretty thorough analysis in the LEAP forum, it was =
indicated that "the whole idea of a capacitor thus breaks down as we appr=
oach atomic dimensions". (The following assumes abilities predicted by s=
ome as to etching, Scanning Tunneling Microscope Technology, atomic force=
microscope, lithography, or other methods). If you make one groove (G1)=
in a capacitor plate, that certainly does not approach atomic dimensions=
, yet it does increase the surface area of the plate (without increasing =
its perimeter). Then, if you go back and make another groove (G2) WITHIN=
G1's SURFACE, you are closer - but still not near the atomic level. The=
n if the surface of G2 is etched (or STM'd) with G3, you are closer yet; =
closer - but still a long way from the atomic level. How far? Well the =
number 26 seems to hold up as the number of times you could re-etch groov=
es, before you hit bottom. =

( Each successive etching step would be, say, a hundred times smaller th=
an the previous one. G3 is a hundred times smaller than G2. G2 is a hun=
dred times smaller than G1, and etc. G26 would be the smallest, and woul=
d begin to enter atomic dimensions.)
Now, backing up, let's say you made a hundred tiny grooves on the surfac=
e of the original plate - so you have 100 G1's. Within each G1, you etch=
100 much smaller G2's. Within each G2 you etch 100 G3's, which are yet,=
again, much smaller. This is a million grooves at the 3rd of 26 steps. =
If you could continue on in this way for 26 re-groovings of the grooves,=
how many grooves would you have at the 26th step? And, by how much woul=
d you have increased the surface area of that plate? And how much more d=
ipole moment effect would now take place? And how much more ability to h=
old charge would you have? If the number 26 makes you cranky, stop at 20=
, or 12. =

The point is this: there is a tremendous amount of "inner space" availab=
le *before* you reach atomic level. Perhaps an optimum number could be s=
afely reached. Even 12 would seem to provide a monumental increase in ch=
arge storage ability. Subject to mathematicians' scrutiny, there may be =
10^24 grooves, when you are only halfway down to atomic level, and free o=
f the terrible things that happen there. At the halfway point, you have =
monumentally increased the surface area, without threatening stability. =
Assuming that the dielectric follows the shape of the plate exactly, have=
you not vastly increased the number of molecules subject to polar reali=
gnment in the electric field? Could it be said that, even though the ind=
ividual dipole moments would stay at the same in magnitude, there is an o=
pportunity to create a tremendously larger number of them, by taking adva=
ntage of the inner space available?

MASS PRODUCTION - Some of these techniques to reform very small structur=
es are very slow and very expensive. Some question was raised as to their=
adaptability to a mass production situation. As with any change in techn=
ology, first efforts are not usually efficient. But there seems to be en=
ough advantages to EER so that the forces of supply and demand would push=
the costs down. Once in the competitive market, improvements in techniq=
ue could be expected.

GROOVES TOO SMALL? - A statement made in one of the forums was, "There i=
s a limit to how small the grooves can be before they don't work any more=
.." As this was from a good source, it is taken seriously. If some of th=
e logic, above, doesn't account for this, there may be difficulty, here. =

DISCHARGE TIME - Capacitors normally discharge very quickly, so wouldn't=
they make a rather bad storage device? No detailed answer will be attem=
pted, here, but can't this be controlled with a very low discharge curren=
t, with a high resistance? =

Electricity is - or can be - the common denominator for all energy sourc=
es - from solar to hydro. It is for exactly this reason that EER could e=
mploy each and every energy source. All the new renewable technology cou=
ld be "fed" into EER - without exception. Yet, at the same time, convent=
ional sources could contribute to it - every drop of oil and every lump o=
f coal on this planet could be used, purposely. Could this captured ener=
gy not then be put to use, as needed, and when needed, by controlling the=
energy bursts to simulate conventional electricity flow?


The technology that would be needed for EER *seems* to be within sight - =
with some faith required, perhaps, for the materials. Basically, it is t=
he ability to sculpt materials at the molecular level which brought about=
this revised approach to EER. I have never seen the etching process, no=
r STM; this whole concept of extremely small sculpting to obtain extremel=
y high surface area is drawn from my imagination - and the little I have =
read about these processes. I am motivated by the extreme advantages tha=
t would come about, and the apparent ability to accomplish this; if not o=
n a production basis, then at least on a prototype basis, to start. I'm =
certain there are still technical errors in this effort - it is hoped tha=
t the general idea was communicated with some adequacy. This *seems* poss=
ible - or within reach - to me, and it *seems* as though it would bring a=
bout profound benefits, and it *seems* to me that it is a logical way to =
approach energy at this point in time. =

But, I defer to the experts.

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Let's suppose that the EER concept is fully developed, and built
into an electric vehicle. Let's also suppose that the newest and best
technological devices - some of which are now being used in EV's - are
integrated into the vehicle's design. What follows is a description =

of what might possibly have happened during an everyday trip to the store=

in such a vehicle. (This assumes the use of an *advanced* microchip
Ms. Jones notices her "fuel guage" as she starts her vehicle; it
tells her that her microchip capacitor battery is 85% full. This means
that of the vast number of microchip capacitors in her "battery", 85% are=

charged with their very small electric capacitance.
She proceeds to the store, and returns home - a quarter mile
trip. As she pulls in her driveway, she looks again at her guage. It
reads 84%. She thinks that she used only 1% of her battery capacity for
her trip.
But, she is wrong.
She used 10% of her available charged capacitors for the quarter
mile trip. So, why didn't her guage read 75% when she returned?
There were several devices built into her vehicle which were
replenishing used capacitors, almost as fast as she was using them. (All=

figures below are guesses - just to make the point).
1. The advanced solar panel on the roof of her vehicle was, as =

always during sunlight, continuously recharging at a slow, but=

steady rate. Because she had happened to drive and park in =

the sunlight, the solar panel recharged 5% of her capacitors.
2. The air scoops arrainged in her vehicle's design - although
accounting for some drag - were directing the air through =

small dynamos, which recharged another 2%.
3. The regenerative brakes on all four wheels replenished another =

2% of the capacitors.
So, she did, in fact, use 10% of the available capacitor charges,
but 9% were replaced by the activity of her trip.
This is nothing like perpetual motion; it is mearly taking
advantage of the natural surrounding energy to replenish the energy =

spent on the trip.
It is even conceivable that her "fuel guage" might have read a
higher percentage upon her return; a shorter trip on a windier and =

sunnier day, in a more sunlit route and parking spot, and many more
occasions to use the brakes, might have made that possible. The Second =

Law of Thermodynamics is not violated, because energy from outside the
vehicle was being absorbed along the way.
It is noted that a battery-powered EV could have done much the =

same, but the weight difference would have changed the percentages, so
as to defeat the purpose.
Frank Lincoln CS# 72430,2407
