Re: FTL using negative energy

Marinus Berghuis ( )
Fri, 16 Jul 1999 15:32:14 +1200

At 13:43 14/07/99 -0700, you wrote:

Hi Jerry and all,

How I hate this! Bruce Cathie explained in his books at infinitum the
mathematical basis for negative energy, this being the negative side of
It looks to me that only a slight phase shift would be needed to either
disappear from here or in the process of changing hold the point of balance
which gives you a condition where a zero condition makes you able to
transpose yourself anywhere in the universe. Time being the only constant
which makes us aware of distance,would then not exist and distance becomes
a non event.
There are instances of matter, people appearing and disappearing and the
Philadelphia experiment not to mention people being displaced in an instant
from one place to another thousand of miles away. This can only happen if
time is put in a position where proper reality counts.
"The whole of the universe is but the size of a pinhead" This statement has
been made by that many people that I wonder why we cannot take notice.
