FTL using negative energy

Jerry Wayne Decker ( jwdatwork@yahoo.com )
Wed, 14 Jul 1999 13:43:54 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Folks!

Picture this, not having to go FASTER than the speed
of light but go NEGATIVE to curve space-time itself,
thereby allowing you to travel at sub-light speeds but
to travel immense distances in a flash.

Remember the reports of people like Judge Crater and
other who either disappeared or reappeared in another
place hundreds or thousands of miles away.

Perhaps they experienced a rapid negative energy
buildup or zone and were taken elsewhere, maybe even
the Bermuda Triangle has such low energy zone areas
where an intensification would affect mass in the
area, like the fighter squadron that disappeared
(among others).


Einstein's special theory of relativity asserts that
no physical object can travel faster than the speed of
light. The theory also holds that mass and energy will
have different values depending on your frame of

The idea that the mass (energy) density in any one
frame would always be at least equal to or greater
than zero is called the "weak energy condition." Ken
Olum of Tufts (kdo@cosmos5.phy.tufts.edu,
617-628-5000, x2753) follows the reverse tack in
arguing that superluminal travel is possible in
certain warped versions of space/time but that this
would entail the existence of negative energy.

In this case the concepts of superluminal motion and
of negative energy need to be explored. An object with
negative mass would be less massive than empty space.
We don't know of any such object, but physicists have
detected small regions of space characterized by a
very slightly negative energy density (the so called
Casimir effect; see Updates 122 and 300).

If you combine negative energy with positive energy
you get nothing, very different from the explosion you
get when you combine matter and antimatter.

As for superluminal travel---in Olum's model objects
and signals do not actually travel faster than light.
Rather, the curvature of a spacetime incorporating a
negative-energy density is such that one can arrive
quickly at distant places using sub-light speeds.

(Physical Review Letters, 26 October 1998.)


Please respond to jdecker@keelynet.com
as I am writing from my work email of
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