Mon, 12 Jul 1999 21:40:28 EDT

Hi Jerry, et al!

I just wanted to mention that thanks to Chad May we have a new discussion
list for sharing information about GEET technologies. If you'd be interested
in joining, you can go to: and follow the links to
sign up. Also, I will be giving weekly updates each week, which I will
obtain directly from Paul Pantone and Mike Holler at GEET.

And, if anyone's interested in what a GEET retrofitted lawnmower looks like,
you can check out the next edition of "Exotic Research" magazine. Steve
Elswick asked me to write an article and send him some photos on my GEET
lawnmowers. I got into quite a few of the specs on it. We'll see if he kept
them all or edited it down some. This is a great magazine and he says it is
turning out to be his best issue yet, too! You can send an email to Steve
at: to subscribe!

I just returned from a weekend demo that I did with the Maryland GEET
distributor, Bob Colvin, at a steam and gas engine show in Maryland. It went
extremely well! I think we had the most popular exhibit at the entire show!
Every time we fired up the closed-loop GEET Lawnmower, a crowd formed. We
were very busy for most of the weekend demonstrating and explaining the
technology. I still can't believe how these really hard-core engine
enthusiasts, who, many of which have been building and rebuilding engines
since they were probably 3 years old, were just standing there oogling at the
thing while it was running! I got such a kick out of that, considering I
built the thing from parts I got at my local hardware store!

Again, if anyone wants more info on GEET you can sign up for the email
discussion list, go to, or email me at

Have a great day, everyone!!!

-Peter T. Michel