Re: Don Smith video

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 10 Jul 1999 22:21:07 -0500

Hi Ron!

Don Smith video eh? The working device eh? your money....unless
he's made a breakthrough in the past couple of months, you won't get any
'secrets' know, Don is really a nice fellow but his set of coils
wouldn't even light up a flourescent tube when we saw it and worked on
it years ago.

He still says his circuit works and one of his demos involved a $60
inverter from Radio Shack, connected to 12 volt battery to run an
oscillating fan...he said that is free energy....later demos involved
some setup in a briefcase that lit a bulb but it was dimmer than normal.

He said on stage, that if he tuned his coils to the same frequency as
the 50,000 watt TV station in Denver (we were in Colorado Springs) he
could completely swamp their how come it won't even light a
fluorescent tube or an LED?

Don said when he got back home to Houston, that he found a crimp that
was loose and when he recrimped it, boom, he got power again....hmmm...

I will give him this, he has some interesting ideas, claiming his coil
circuit taps into the Van Allen belts.
excellent page with great images of the Van Allen belts;

"The Earth's Van Allen Belts consists of highly energetic ionized
paticles trapped in the Earth's geomagnetic fields. On the sunward side
of the Earth, the geomagnetic fields are compressed by the Solar Wind
while on the opposite side of the Earth, the geomagnetic fields extend
to three Earth Radii.

As a result, the geomagnetic field form an elongated cavity, known as
the Chapman-Ferraro Cavity, around the Earth. Within this cavity, reside
the Van Allen Radiation Belts. These radiation belts are composed of
electrons with thousand eV energies, and protons with million eV

"Two distinct donut shaped belts were discovered that coincided with the
inner magnetic field lines of the earth. The inner belt was found to be
made up of high energy protons and the outer belt conatained high energy

The inner belt of protons is produced when cosmic rays strike particles
in the upper atmosphere. The outer belt is populated with electrons
produced by cosmic rays and magnetospheric accelleration processes.

The charged particles contained in the Van allen belts remain trapped
along field lines of the earth. The particles bounce and drift in a
spiral motion along the earth's magnetic field lines. As the particles
approach the converging field lines near the poles they are reflected
back towards the opposite pole. "

"The Van Allen belts capture charged particles (protons, electrons and
alpha particles) and these spiral along the magnetic force lines toward
the polar regions where the force lines converge. They are reflected
back and forth between the magnetic force lines near the poles.

The lower Van Allen Belt is about 7700 km above the earth's surface, and
the outer Van Allen Belt is about 51,500 km above the surface. According
to the Encyclopedia Britannica, the Van Allen belts are most intense
along the equator, and effectively absent over the poles.

They dip to 400 km over the South Atlantic Ocean, and are about 1,000 km
high over the Central Pacific Ocean. In the lower Van Allen Belt, the
proton intensity is about 20,000 particles with energy above 30 MeV per
second per square centimeter.

Electrons reach a maximum energy of 1 MeV, and their intensity has a
maximum of 100 million per second per square centimeter. In the outer
Belt, proton energy averages only 1 MeV. For compar-ison, most charged
particles discharged in a nuclear explosion range between 0.3 and 3 MeV,
while diagnostic medical X-ray has peak voltage around 0.5 MeV."
At the lecture he gave, he showed USGS topological maps with color
enhanced high and low areas on the ground, the idea being to hook up an
antenna power line on the highest areas (mountains/hills), run it down
the side of a mountain and connect to the lowest points, which would let
you tap the electrical gradient of the atmosphere. Tesla and others
also have long ago written about tapping this gradient for practical

Geez, I should whup up some videos....could probably make a fortune at
it...<g>....there are some interesting tricks that appear to produce
power but really don' do I know, because they won't power
themselves or any load UNLESS they have an outside source such as AC or
a battery.

Too bad, Don means well but he just won't give up on his claims....his
machines were $2,000 but I hear they are much more now...still don't
work....that's why you don't hear about them in operation
everywhere....and you can believe with all the people now on the Net who
keep abreast of this stuff, such info would spread like wildfire as well
as be written up in all the alt science magazines. Its your money so
good luck!

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187