Re: Electro-gravity proof!!??

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Fri, 09 Jul 1999 21:55:31 -0500

Hi Terry!

Thanks for sharing those two fascinating URLs!!!

...From the site;

"The Satellite is also made from aluminum foil. It is 0.75 inches long
and is 0.25 inches wide at its widest point. The bottom of the satellite
goes to a very sharp point and the top is a blunt point."

Geez, that is the same upside down shape one scientist calls an
'aerodyne' which was basically an upside down teardrop. I don't know
where that article is but it showed two of these things floating in the
air in this guys lab.

He put a fan over the top of the aerodyne and said when the air was
moving over such a shape, it would cause it to levitate. This scientist
said it would make entirely new aircraft that were very efficient, that
people and payloads would ride inside the thing, I guess in the lower
portion to keep it balanced with the point down.

So I was amazed to see the same aerodyne shape hovering in this
electrostatic gradient field.