Re: One Terminal Capacitor

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Fri, 9 Jul 1999 11:22:33 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Folks!

With regard to the following excerpt;

> Here is another fascinating email from Joseph
> Hiddink;
> ---------------
> Ajax, July 7 1999
> ...<snip>...
> They would "bless" a big stone that had to be moved
> with "holy water"(to make it conducting for
> electricity) mumbled secret phrases (which had
> nothing to do with it), touched the stone, the
> stone became negative, the ground became negative,
> and negative repelled negative, the stone came
> off the ground.
> ...<snip>...

I don't recall reading anything about holy water being
involved in levitations but the idea is intriguing.
Possiby the water was doped with something to help
increase conductivity or to help it hold a charge
since pure water is not a very good conductor.

Awhile back, I don't remember how long, but I think it
was on the early KeelyNet list at eScribe, there were
discussions about whether the earth was in fact
positive or negative. At that time, I recounted a
short excerpt regarding Simon 'the' Magus.

In the time of Jesus, if you can can believe the
reports, he had an adversary named Simon and they kept
trying to outdo each other as an indication that one
or the other was the 'true' heirophant/son of god.
Jesus team had great trouble with Simon because his
powers were incredible, he had a huge following and
was favored by the powers that be, the Romans.

As I remember the story, in a final, definitive test
of power, Simon challenged Jesus to fly as proof of
his claims. In the movies it shows Simon suspended by
fine wires from a very tall tower where the wires
broke and he plunges to his death.

That never happened, Simon did not die from his
flight, the story says he flew into the city, swooped
down over the crowds, made several passes above them
and flew out of the city.

The story I read says there is an extant cult who
follows the teachings of Simon and they claim to have
some of his writings which tell how he accomplished
the flying feat.

He says you must lie on the ground with your nostrils
right above the soil and breathe in the air from the
ground. The idea being that the earth is negative,
that the body is highly capacitive and that sustained
breathing would trickle charge the body so that it
become more negative than the earth, thereby making it
lighter due to repulsion.

Once your body was sufficiently charged to produce
'weight' loss via polar repulsion, it would be just a
matter of wings to flap your way around..if you could
get some height, you could easily swoop/glide down
over a crowd like a giant flying squirrel with
extended flaps.

There are of course the many reports of people in
religious ecstasy flying into the air and even lifting
things such as Joseph of Cupertino lifting and
positioning a heavy cross.

And I had found an article that was posted on the BBS
about a man in Kansas in the 1850's who woke up one
day and was floating up against the ceiling. No one
ever was able to figure out what happened to him or
why the effect occurred, though he traveled the
midwest billed as 'the Floating Wonder'.

Reports from the papers of the time said you paid to
go into a tent where he was hanging, usually with legs
crossed about 3 feet above the ground. Sometimes he
would be reclining, reading a book, whatever, but he
was fully conscious and talked with everyone, you
could walk completely around him, touch him, and many
tests were done looking for magnets, hidden wires,
mirrors or tricks and no one ever figured out how he
did it.

He claimed he had no idea, that he just woke up one
day stuck to the ceiling...I should repost that file
to the website as it is quite interesting...always
thought it would be great to visit the small towns in
the area and collect newspaper reports of this

Perhaps there is something that can happen in the body
to create a deep capacitive effect that would hold
just one polarized charge or the other?

And Finally, whew! Years ago before the Aswan dam was
built, I had seen a wall painting from a tomb that is
now underwater. It showed a priest holding a peculiar
carved rod, which I thought was wood. A large stone
block about 12' X 20' based on the size of the people,
was shown covered with something and floating in the
air clearly above the ground. The 'translation' of
the script describing the picture said the stones were
lifted by use of a 'mehru' or 'meru' rod. Four sides
of the stone to be lifted were to be covered with wet
papryus, then the exposed side was to be touched or
slapped with the rod. This would cause the stone to
lose weight and either rise into the air or become
very light and easy to lift and move, like a big
styrofoam block. The stone would remain in this
condition long enough to allow it to be moved for
approximately 3 bowshots, roughly 150 yards when it
would regain its weight and fall to the ground.

My impression of this was always an acoustic
phenomenon with the slap of the rod against the stone
taking a sample and redividing the frequency to others
which interferred with gravity. When the vibrating
rod was reapplied to the stone, the acoustic energy
was dampened on the covered surfaces so only the base
was exposed since the rod was inputting the energy,
the only way it could escape was by lifting the stone.

Now, with your idea of using doped water and a high
negative charge, I am reconsidering this claim.

You state that the earth is negative and so anything
else of high negativity would repel from the earth.

I am puzzled by the idea because NORMALLY it would
seem that high potential will discharge into low
potential, so a highly charged object of like or
unlike polarity would discharge to other conductive
masses of lower potential due to breaking down of the
atmospheric dielectric.

I can see the repulsion of negatives but to get any
useful effect, how would it avoid the lightning like
arc discharge?

The premise makes me think we are missing something
with regard to polarized potentials.

Anyway, enough of this for now...seeya!


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