sources on Perrigo wanted

Theo Paijmans ( )
Fri, 09 Jul 1999 03:18:33 +0200

Hello all,

Now that you mention it: Harry Perrigo. Anybody out there who has xeroxes of
the newspaper clippings, or his patents? Perhaps we should make a concerted
effort to obtain a database with original source materials, to make
available the history of free energy, a bit like ufology has done.


Theo Paijmans

"Jerry W. Decker" wrote:

> Hi Folks!
> Here is another fascinating email from Joseph Hiddink;
> ---------------
> Ajax, July 7 1999
> Dear Jerry,
> Yes, ask an electrical engineer about the repelling force. You will get
> the same answer. That experiment that you describe of this fellow (I
> referred to the Perrigo story from 1911, posted at the bottom of this
> email):
