Re: Antigravity & Sound

Marinus Berghuis ( )
Fri, 09 Jul 1999 04:47:32 +1200

At 18:15 6/07/99 +0800, you wrote:

My thought is that Bruce Cathie has unravelled the mystery very well and
although not giving technical solutions, has provided a theory that can be
understood by anyone having a limited knowledge of electronics, radio,
sound amplification etc.
A normal education is sufficient to follow his example and do something
constructive with his conclusions.
I have worked for years at it from a different angle and come to the
conclusion that our mind is a perfect radiator of very small energies that
can be amplified by natural feedback technics and made to work on matter.
This has been proved that many times that I often wonder why scientists
ignore this.
I feel the only reason they do this is because it is more profitable to
scientists at large and government agencies to pander to this establishment
in an ever lasting cycle of wanting money.
People on the keely net work with extremely small resources and do obtain
results often ignored and can not be exploited because of this same
establishment not wanting to rock the boat.
My conviction is that if any one finds an answer, and anti gravity has been
solved many times already, to gather up a few friends and work at it
together otherwise it goes the same way as the 2 1/2 million patents
sitting in the patent office now waiting for someone to take them up.
Set yourself up to do one thing only and forget about the rest.
When it works, make use of it in your immediate surroundings and forget
about trying to convince the world. They are not interested.
Of all my idea's over the years, only one major development is working
today and I never saw a cent from it but who cares?

My thought !
