Re: Keeley sonic energy

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Tue, 6 Jul 1999 08:37:06 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Ted et al!

The search engine at;

reports the following when typing in Dr. X;

A recent (1965) possible verification of the
frequency Keely used to dissociate water into etheric
force was related to me by a scientist when we were
discussing certain aspects of free energy. He wishes
to remain anonymous for obvious reasons, but his name
is on file. I have no other verification of this
experiment, however I believe it merits telling.

The scientist, I shall call him Dr. X, was doing
experiments with ultrasonic sound in a column of
water. The object of the experiments was to devise a
means of separating various densities of materials by
injecting them into a column of water which was
subjected to an ultrasonic standing wave vibration.
The experimental setup is sketched in Figure 3-3 (for
BBS considerations a description follows).

A Barium Titanate ultrasonic transducer was fixed to
the bottom of a quartz tube which was closed at the
bottom and open at the top.

Pure water was poured into the tube and the water
column was "tuned" so that a standing wave was
produced at 40,000 CPS (cycles per second). The
transducer was powered by a 700 Watt power
which was driven by an ultrasonic frequency generator.

Because of the large amount of power put into the
column of water a certain amount of evaporation
took place at a constant rate when the transducer was

Therefore, to maintain a standing wave in the water
column a feedback device caused the frequency to be
raised as the water evaporated and the temperature

As a test, Dr. X decided to run through the experiment
with only water in the tube to insure that a standing
wave was maintained as the water evaporated and the
frequency rose higher and higher. When the experiment
was started everything worked beautifully. Dr. X took
periodic readings of his instrumentation and was
assured that the standing wave was being maintained.

Suddenly, with no warning whatever the water
disappeared from the open quartz tube. He looked up
thinking to see the water splashed on the ceiling when
to his amazement a clean hole went right through the
ceiling. The hole was the same size as the inside of
the quartz tube.

Further investigation showed the hole continued on
through the roof also!

Dr.X checked his notebook and found the last frequency
entry to be 41,300 CPS. It was shortly after this
that the water disappeared.

Because of the time interval between the last reading
and the disappearing water, the frequency sent to the
transducer was higher than the last reading and Dr. X
said it could well have been very close to 42,800 CPS,
the Keely dissociation frequency.

(11) This obviously dangerous event caused Dr. X to
dismantle the equipment and try some other approach to
his problem. This experiment points the way to the use
of our modern technology in conjunction with Keely's
laws of dissociation to change matter into energy
without the use of radioactive materials or extremely
expensive atomic accelerators.
Dan also told me recently that someone else had
reported duplicating the experiment. Dan said he had
just given a lecture at a conference and a fellow came
up to him and said this, but got lost in the melee of
people asking questions. He was not able to get the
guys business card, name or other contact information.
Dan is at

Additionally, another 'vanishing' story - a couple of
years ago, a guy told me if you put a ball bearing in
a container and spray it with high velocity compressed
air that the ball bearing will make all kinds of noise
as it speeds up, then at some mystery critical
velocity, the 'godawful' noise will just stop and all
you will hear is the air flow.

When you open the container, the ball will have
completely disappeared, there will be no powder,
residue, skid marks or abrasions inside the container.

My first impression was that the ball simply was
abraded down to powder (but where was the heat and
sparks which you know must be present with case
hardened steel being filed or ground down???) so it
would be easy to add a cloth or filter to the air exit
and see how much material was captured, but I am told
there will be none.

The claim is the ball, once achieving the critical
velocity, transcends time, space or dimension and is
never seen again, that anyone who works with high
pressure pneumatics (and I was told only 150psi
minimum was necessary) had heard of this and that no
one had ever successfully explained it.

This all came about in a discussion about velocity
restrictors on air guns and why anyone would want to
do that....the obvious thing is safety but the story
was intriguing either way. Recently I had a call from
a guy claiming a similar story yet using only
mechanically generated motion that produced a 'pink
glow'...more will be forthcoming on that over the next
few months when the source reveals the details

Hope this didn't open more cans of worms than it
closed....<g>...but that's what we are here for...

--- Ted Gallop <> wrote:
> Hi al,
> Jerry, thanks for all the words about Keely. I was
> particularly interested in the following....
> >"7) Keely used sonic energy to explode water on
> >several levels to provide thrust and incredible
> >pressures (29,000 psi from 3 drops)
> >
> >Only Dr. X has duplicated this using a
self-ajusting standing
> >wave in water in a test tube
> >
> Can you tell me who Dr. X is?
> Cheers,
> Ted Gallop


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