Missing www.gravityengine.com

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 04 Jul 1999 15:13:43 -0500

Hi Folks!

Received a question about what happened to www.gravityengine.com and
here is what I found along with some other related info that might be of
interest to you, still nothing that apparently works.

That's why its important to capture interesting files or websites when
you find something useful as you never know how stable the site might
With regard to your request;

One of the archive posts points to a gravity engine design. The post
seems to be from you:


It points to a URL:


But this server has no DNS and doesn`t even show up on Whois...Is the
URL wrong or did it disappear?
I checked it and sure enough, its down. Using;


It shows the owner as;

8044 Kinbee Dr.
Cincinnati, OH 45244 US


Administrative Contact:
Lee, Nelson (NL1707) nlee@RAPIDMODLING.COM
1-513-624-6629 (FAX) 1-513-624-6673
Technical Contact, Zone Contact:
OneNet DNS Role Account (ODR-ORG) dnsrole@ONE.NET
(513) 618-1000
Fax- (513) 618-2000
Billing Contact:
Lee, Nelson (NL1707) nlee@RAPIDMODLING.COM
1-513-624-6629 (FAX) 1-513-624-6673

Record last updated on 22-Dec-98.
Record created on 22-Dec-98.
Database last updated on 3-Jul-99 08:53:30 EDT.

Domain servers in listed order:

Here are some additional URLs for gravity engines, none of which appear
to have been built or tested. The Finsrud device is apparently still
working but it uses inertia and magnetism to drive a ball around a
track. http://www.keelynet.com/energy/finsrud.htm which chains to two
other Finsrud files.

When these components are assembled and power is applied and the super
conductor is spun at 5000rpm+ a most interesting effect happens. From
the hole in the center of the super conductor tube, running in both
directions up and down, is an invisible anti-gravity field beam.
The strength of the beam is determined by the size of your engines super
conductor ring and the speed at which it is spun. As rpm increase the
field effect increases.

Materials list:

Tubular ring of Superconducting Ceramic
"Yttrium barium copper oxide"
Magnetic suspension field.
Large enough container to submerse the Ceramic conductor
Liquid Nitrogen.
This guy claims to have hacked into government computers and found plans
for an antigravity engine;


NOTE: the credibility of this guy I think hinges on this statement;

"There were things I was not prepared to talk about to the press because
I was not sure if I would be able to sell my story or not, so I did not
want to give the information away."

I read documents which gave me the impression that they had an
anti-gravity engine which was capable of at least Mach 12 to Mach 15. I
don't know how exactly how fast that is but I think that is faster than
most aircraft we know of today. Supposedly the aircraft which employs
this engine uses a reactor to which there were a lot of detailed numbers
and figures for, but I have no idea what all this meant. I can remember
that the documents referred to a super heavy element, whatever that
means. The element is the main fuel for the reactor. The engine worked
by making a disturbance of molecules at the front of the craft so that
it was able to stop the inertia or G-force inside the craft.

In final clarification on some of the interview I asked Mathew if he saw
any images on the computer systems at Wright Patterson Airbase. He says
he saw one but remembers that the antigravity engine was a working
prototype and is fitted in some form of aircraft and is in use although
the type of aircraft was not disclosed. The information was dated around
1994, when the system was originally breached. It is now up to
researchers and hackers alike to try and find out more.
The Schadenwald gravity engine;


NOTE: it is not built and he seems to ignore the fact that the weight
having fallen must now return to the top, fighting gravity all the way

My perfected gravity engine (shown in the diagram) is so simple that you
need not be a scientist to understand its operation. A heavy weight of
mass m is attached to the periphery of a balanced wheel, and the wheel
is started rotating with the weight at the top. As the wheel turns, the
weight descends through a distance h, and potential energy equal to mgh
is converted to kinetic energy, where g is the average acceleration of
gravity during the descent. As rotation continues, the weight again
rises to the top, and mg'h kinetic energy is changed to potential
energy. As the acceleration of gravity has decreased in the interim, g'
is less than g, and there is a net gain in kinetic energy. With every
revolution, the wheel speeds up.

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   jdecker@keelynet.com         http://keelynet.com   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187