Re: The EM Dragon and its effect on Health

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 03 Jul 1999 10:36:14 -0500

Hi Folks!

This was a response to a request for info on living in metal buildings
where the emailer was considering building a metal home;
Well, in my experience, yes, steel would definitely affect
electromagnetic and magnetic fields...that would apply whether natural
or can see it for yourself in metal buildings by carrying
a radio inside, it just won't receive anything, same for a TV.

I used to work in a huge metal building for about 14 years and we could
never get any radio or tv reception in the building until I installed an
antenna on the roof and ran the cable to our receivers.

Additionally, when we were doing our lightning show, I had built a
cylindrical Faraday cage that was basically two 3 foot wooden discs,
separated by 4 thin pieces of wood and surrounded by wire mesh. This
made a partial Faraday cage.

As part of our show, we would put a person inside the cage and zap them
with a 12 foot lightning bolt to show how a Faraday cage or metal
structure will shield from EM. The test that preceded this was to carry
a radio, playing loudly on the outside, into the cylinder where it would
go very quiet, showing the blocking/sapping effect of the EM by the

That is my practical experience in the matter.

On a positive note, experiments have been done showing an increase in
psychic abilities when the subject was placed into an EM shielded
environment such as a Faraday cage but what good is a sickly

Personally, I don't think living in a mostly metal building would be a
healthy environment for any living thing. I know the reports indicate
shielding is good for energy rich environments, as in next to power
lines and such, but to my view, the best thing to do would be to scan
the location for the building and determine the natural fields and
induced fields.

Dr. Hans Nieper and others refer to 'geopathic zones' which produce
'cancer houses'....the claim is the earth has lots of variations in the
ground we walk on, meaning various combinations and composition of
minerals and elements...cosmic radiations will pass into, through or be
reflected from certain combinations of elements, re-radiating back up
into the structure above.

The late Dr. Nieper claims this re-radiation is often harmful to life
and creates these cancer rooms or houses where no matter how many
families move in over the years, someone gets cancer who sleeps or
spends a lot of time in a given room, or even in the house.

There are supposed to be geometric devices which deflect these rays or
disperse them harmlessly from a room so that you don't have to tear the
house down.

The most common way to scan for noxious zones is dowsing, but it is a
highly subjective process and I am more biased towards tangible readings
that are'nt subject to mental processes.

An excellent and reasonable tool to measure electrostatic and magnetic
fields is the TriField meter;

Trifield meter health comments;

Trifield meter comparisons and costs;

the best paper I could find on the subject on the net;

For my money, before I ever considered building a house that I was to
live in for any extended period of time, I would certainly take the time
to find the optimum location, with the lowest natural background

Years ago, some in our group discussed offering a service whereby we
could come out and scan various areas on a property to map it for field
energies. We would also provide for deflection or cancellation of
noxious fields if found. It could make a lot of money and do a lot of

Every home, apartment and business in the world would want a map done of
their environment with the necessary corrections...kind of like
Feng-Shui but monitoring for measurable fields.

A map would be provided of the rooms to the owner or occupants that
would verify your work, especially if you had a before and after where
you found noxious or highly energetic zones which you had to ameliorate
by use of these geometric or EM shielding methods.

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187