Re: One Terminal Capacitor

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Wed, 30 Jun 1999 21:13:17 -0500

Hi Folks!

Received this interesting response from Joseph regarding his patent and
its uses/abuses....I had reservations about posting the entire thing to
the list but it has so many good comments it just has to be shared. He
indicates he is working on a website and I'll pass the URL on as soon as
it is up;
With regard to the 'one terminal capacitor' Joseph Hiddink writes;

When I invented it, I managed to get GE to make three tubes for me.

When using one tube I got 150,000 volts and a heck of a poke. After
that I used a long stick to manipulate the switches. Then a few weeks
later I went to 500,000 volts, and caused quite an uproar by zapping
not just my own HiFi and TV for the second time, but also zapping all
my neighbour's TV's. Being a good neighbour, I fixed them all for free,
but I did not experiment at home anymore.

With the making of a " magic wand" I was able to lift small pebbles. Now
I am getting more tubes made for me.

Beware! When you let too many people see the patent, anyone can zap all
computers and all electronic devices in the neighbourhood, including
alarm systems. In the wrong hands it can be used to start natural
disasters like earthquakes etc.

The patent is so-called expired, but I was not allowed for years to do
anything, as I had found that it could be used as a Intense Neutron
Generator. It took many years before the Atomic Energy Comission allowed
me to write anbout the patent.

So I have been asking about extensions for this basic patent. Others are
coming. I found about 1200 applications, from electric fence to weather
control. Being just a poor piano tuner at ther moment, and being new to
the net, I will get my website soon and start to advertise for Venture

Ever heard about Edgar Cayce? When I wrote to the institution that keeps
his records, his son Hugh, wrote me to tell that "Father said, that when
it will be invented, it will be an industrial revolution like the world
never has seen before.." Realizing that some industries like oil will
probably disappear, I have already offered some interest to oil

Yes, there is a minimum size, depending on the size of the tubes, and
the spheres. And unlike the Wrtight Brothers, who could use their
knowledge as bicycle repairmen, it needs some understanding of
electronics. And a healthy respect of high voltage.

I tried once, and got lightning coming out of the clear sky, when I
experimented in the "sticks" I have never seen dogs, that were coming to
investigate me run so fast. As for size of a Flying machine, a minimum
size is probably 20 feet for a FS to carry one person.

The spheres (I bought some old propane tanks, but had trouble cutting
them open) will probably made of aluminum. They could even be used to
propel a goodsized airplane. But Boeing was not interested., Nor were
the Nasa rocket propulsion specialists.

In Canada it was of course laughed out our so-called Science Groups.

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187