Gravity And Antigravity Plus The Solution

The Ninth Wave ( )
Wed, 30 Jun 1999 01:10:28 -0600

Hi to all,

My name is Terry Cummings, when I started thinking about this stuff it
was largely to develop an internal propulsion system for space ships,
but I soon came to realize that internal propulsion systems and power
supplies were related to each other (method of producing each one). At
the moment I do not have a job, thus, money to construct and test the
many different methods to accomplish this.

Gravity and Antigravity:

I get the feeling that a lot of people consider antigravity to be a
separate force from gravity, but I believe this is incorrect. According
to Einstein's general theory of relativity it describes gravity to be
not a force but rather as the curvature of space-time itself.

One of the things that Einstein introduced in his theory was the
"Cosmological Constant", which depends on the vacuum energy density. If
the cosmological constant is non-zero, then the geometry of space would
become distorted depending on whether the constant was positive or

If the constant were negative, this would produce a space with a
negative constant curvature. So if you had two parallel laser beams,
they would appear to diverge from one another.

If the constant were positive, this would produce a space with a
positive constant curvature. So two parallel laser beams would cross
each other.

I have often wondered, what if the universe was actually a mixture of
positive and negative curvatures. Thus, gravity would represent a
positive curvature between two objects (attractive), and antigravity
would be a result of negative curvature between two objects (repulsive).

Einstein had stated that one can not distinguish the difference between
gravity and acceleration (equivalence principle). If this is true then
why not describe all forces in terms of gravity (curved space-time)?
Such as, the attractive and repulsive forces for magnets or charged
particles. I feel that the repulsive forces developed from these objects
is a result of negative curvature between them and thus, they are
displaying antigravity.

So, what about non magnetic and uncharged objects or neutrons? These
objects will only display attractive forces. Why not repulsive? Because,
in uncharged objects there is an equal amount of negative and positive
charge, and with neutrons there is an equal amount of positive and
negative charged quarks and because of this the negative curvatures
cancel each other out and one is left only with positive curvatures.

The Solution:

So, how does this help us produce over unity or propulsion? The answer
is very simple and yet seems to have been missed for over 200 years as
far as we know! Let me introduce to all what I call the magnetic cell.

What is a magnetic cell? simple take six square magnets with the poles
on the large surface area of the squares, then, cut a 45 degree angle
along the edge of all six magnets. This will allow one to be able to
make a box with the magnets, now imagine that this box had all the same
poles facing outwards kind of like a monopole, but, take the top and
bottom magnets and reverse them so that way the top and bottom have the
same pole say North and the four sides have the opposite pole say South.

What will this achieve? if the magnetic cell is within a uniform
magnetic field there will be a positive curvature developed in the front
of the cell and a negative curvature developed behind the cell depending
on the direction of the uniform magnetic field. This will produce an
attractive force in front of the magnetic cell and a repulsive force
behind the cell.

I have made one magnetic cell (with two more on the way) and have tested
the idea with two bar magnets, when I put the magnetic cell on wheels
and placed one magnet in front of the cell and one behind, the magnetic
cell would accelerate forward, thus, proving the concept. If anyone
would like to help invest money to make a full working demo generator
let me know.