
John Berry ( )
Wed, 30 Jun 1999 15:15:18 +1200

I am interested in some text I found, I typed it out so that maybe
someone with better knowledge of chemistry could help answer what this
man is talking about, He is Martin Ziegler of Mulhouse, France. Letter
patent No. 60,986 dated 1st Jan. 1867.

There is a word he uses asote (and asotie) which I don't understand,
anyone understand what an asotie body is?

I have observed that whenever asote and carbon, or an asotie body and a
carbonized body, or a body strongly asotie and another but slightly so,
are brought into contact, an imponderable fluid is disengaged, the
presence of which is manifested by certain peculiar effects upon animal
or vegetable organisms. This fluid, which I call "vital fluid," is a new

physical agent, generated, like heat, light, and electricity, in the
midst of chemical circumstances. It may be collected and transmitted in
currents, like the electric fluid as will presently be shown; but whilst

the phenomena by which its presence is manifested bear a certain analogy

to electric phenomena, this fluid is never the less autonomic. and has a

separate and independent existence; and the best and most convincing
proof of this is that currents of the fluid may be connected through
non-electric substances.

Having described the nature of the fluid, I will now proceed to describe

the manner in which it may be generated and brought into condition in
which it can be practically used. At the same time it will be understood

that although I refer to and describe but one or two apparatus fitted
for this purpose, I do not limit myself to such apparatus, but hold
myself at liberty to use all processes which operate on the same
principle to induce like results.

Asotie bodies are the best conductors of this vital fluid, and among
them I prefer silk, which has the advantage of intercepting or
insulating electric currents, the intervention of which would be
detrimental to the fluid.

The apparatus for generating the fluid all resemble the voltaic pile to
a certain degree. Thus, in each is found a generator of the fluid with
two heterogeneous chemical substances--- the one with carbon base, the
the other with an asotie base---- and two conducting threads (kinds of
reaphores) for conducting the current and completing it's circuit.

The following is a good arrangement to adopt: A bladder or like porous
receptacle is filled with caustie ammonia, and is immersed to the neck
in molasses contained in an ordinary jar or suitable vessel. A thread of

silk is attached to the neck of the bladder or porous diaphragm, and the

end of a silk thread placed in molasses. The two pieces of silk are then

united, and the circuit is thus completed and closed, through which the
current of the vital fluid passes. The effect of the fluid will be
manifested on an organized being who is in the course of the current. If

a certain number of these elements are brought together in pairs, a
dozen, for instance, a current of great power may be obtained which will

produce on an animate being much more noticeable effects. The elements
in this case are connected by plunging the thread of the ammoula of the
first element into the molasses of the following element, and so on ; or

better, by uniting on one side all the ammonia threads, and on the other

all those of the molasses.

A still better arrangement may be effected by means of a glass tubes.
For this purpose a glass tube is taken whose length is from ten to
fifteen times its diameter, It should be slightly spread at it's ends,
and two cork stoppers are prepared entirely enveloped in a gold -
beater's skin, (baudruche,) which is wrapped three or four times around
each cork, and bound near the upper end of each with a silk cord which
forms one of the conductors, The silk cord can also be made to pass
through the tubes, and this is even preferable. the tube being corked at

one of it's ends, a charcoal disk of no great thickness is placed in it
--- On this disk are spread a few grains of silicious sand to prevent
it's contact with a second disk of charcoal, and care should be taken
each time the sand is introduced to cover it with ammonia, in such
manner that the whole will be finally immersed in the liquid. the tube
being thus filled is closed by the second cork, and the vital fluid is
then produced, and forms two currents which flow through the conducting
threads. By uniting several of those elements, either placed end to end
or brought together in a bundle, very powerful currents may be obtained.

The above-described apparatus produced good results, but in my
experimentation I have employed in preference the following: It is
composed of tubes, corded at both ends as just explained, but instead of

carbon and silicon sand with ammoula, the tubes are filled with
alternating layers of powdered sugar of lead and cyanide potassium, not
too dry.