RE: Update
Sun, 27 Jun 1999 16:40:00 -0600

Hello all,
I would like to make sure that my website did not create any confusion
with my update yesterday. I make a mistake (which a good friend of mine
pointed out to me) by posting some ideas I have for construction. I need
to make it clear that these are just some ideas I have had. I REALLY
recommend you work from the original diagram I was sent by David Hamel.
I was told by Dan LaRochelle that Hamel original device only had two
cones, but the diagram I was sent did have 3. Not meaning any disrespect
to Dan, Hamel is BEST source of info (he invented this technology after
all [okay given it]) that is what I recommend you all go by. Hopefully
Dan will be able to get a diagram of Hamel's original experiment for the
site, and then we can know for sure. I think that the Tree Of Life
Experiment is BASED on Hamel's initial experiment, but I think the two
are different.
I personally am going to only use 2 cones to start with, and maybe
add a third if necessary.
I just want to make sure that my ideas do not become confused with
what the great master David Hamel himself has said. I sincerely hope
that I haven't mislead anyone, I will be very careful to keep
information from the Hamel and information from myself and other
experimenters SEPARATE from now on. I have changed the Construction
Ideas page accordingly.
Good Luck to Everyone,
-Justin Szymanek